HEY! Are you broke? Need akorns? Don't know who to ask? Well, you're in luck- Just type in how much you want and the (VALID)reasoning. Yayy
HEYx2! Are you rich? Wanna give akorns to somebody? Don't know who to give? Well, you're in luck- just find the person who you think is most worthy of your akorns and transfer. Yayy
HEYx3! Are you a guest? Wanna lurk? Well, you're in luck- you can lurk in this thread all you want. Yayy
It's a win win win. Well, get begging..or giving...or lurking..
1. find who u wanna transfer akorns to and go to their profile (i'll be using dummi for this tutorial)
Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 9.52.54 AM.png
2.click the person icon
Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 9.52.54 AM.jpg
3. click transfer
Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 9.53.20 AM.jpg
4. put the amount you wanna transfer (and if you want, put a reason)
Screenshot 2021-06-07 at 9.54.13 AM.png
then click submit!
5. the end