US declares China has committed genocide in its treatment of Uygurs in Xinjiang

  • US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused China of “genocide and crimes against humanity” for Beijing’s treatment of Uygur Muslims in the far-western region of Xinjiang. Pompeo issued the statement on January 19, 2021, his last full day as America’s top diplomat. Antony Blinken, president-elect Joe Biden’s nominee to take over as next secretary of state, indicated later the same day that the Trump administration’s hardline stance toward Beijing appears set to continue once the new administration starts on January 20. In response to Washington’s remarks, officials in Beijing said the claims were “sensational false propositions”.

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  • I don't know what to say, It can be true but at the same time not. This situation is so tragic and I hope it's all fake but considering it's China( let's be honest they have a disgusting politic and past) we are talking about my hopes are really low.

  • This case is justified but just thinking about how much the US loves to bring "democracy" to others people country. I'm a little afraid of real tension between both of these countries seeing as how much mine needs them.

    Business is the reason behind it, not the reason to stop it. The investment treaty between Europe and China is far from what the US want as its moved closer to its closing so it makes sense that the US suddenly got a spine.

  • Re-education camps/centers exists in Xinjiang which the UN must investigate. Genocide accusations on the other hand are created by Uyghur activists trained and funded by CIA/NED.

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    Just leaving this video of Nurse Nayirah's testimony here to refresh the remember of US war propaganda which led to the Guilf War

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