If you want to classify albums and rank them based on their quality (which is subjective), after a lot of thinking, I came up with a new system.
TIER 1 :-
Highest praise an album can get.
How do you know? It's simple.
Compare them with EXO's Don't Mess Up My Tempo (A standard for any KPOP album, doesn't matter if you are a fan or not, You will vibe with the music. It's THAT GOOD). I have faith you will get the answer whether the ALBUM YOU JUST COMPARED DMUMUT WITH, deserves the tier ranking or not.
TIER 2 (Specifically for mini albums) :-
Second highest praise an album can get.
Compare them with EXO's Universe (Easily one of the most cohesive albums I have heard to date).
Tier 3 :-
A good album. Not perfect but definitely no slouch either
Compare them with EXO's XOXO (Nostalgic album filled with so many great songs and some fillers)
I made this thread half-asleep. Bear with me. Enjoy the music.