If there’s a communist uprising will kpop fans be considered part of the enemy?

  • Every consecutive generation is becoming less favorable to capitalism. In 2008 the economy crashed and made millennials the poorest adult generation since early medieval times. And on this post-corona world once governments max out on stimulus money and loans, the next economic crash will make the Great Depression look like a walk in the park. People are struggling and sheit. It’s very possible for the next generation to completely reject capitalism in favor of communism, and the wokeness factor also helps them to that direction.

    - luxury brands used ethnic minority slave labor to create their products

    - pay millions of dollars to already rich celebrities/idols for PR

    - the bourgeois pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for things that cost a few dollars to make and pennies to pay the laborers

    Kpop has started to become a new face of international capitalism. When the uprising occurs on which side of history will kpop fans be on?



  • Leaning towards socialism doesn't mean it'll lead to communism. Communism is just an extreme type of socialism, where everyone is equal in society. Most people desire a hybrid of capitalism and socialism, similar to what many European nations have. It's important to have capitalism for competition and innovations, and socialism for reducing wealth gaps.

    That said, I can tell you for sure a large majority of K-pop fans lean middle right.

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

  • Leaning towards socialism doesn't mean it'll lead to communism. Communism is just an extreme type of socialism, where everyone is equal in society. Most people desire a hybrid of capitalism and socialism, similar to what many European nations have. It's important to have capitalism for competition and innovations, and socialism for reducing wealth gaps.

    That said, I can tell you for sure a large majority of K-pop fans lean middle right.

    Asian communism has always been authoritarian based because of historical factors. Western "lite" form of communism has mainly focused on social liberation of oppressed ethnic groups. However, this lite version of communism has been changing over time. It's evolving from social liberation to economic liberation that emphasizes equity over equality, and that can only work through communism.




  • Most “communists” today know little to nothing about it, they watched one social justice video on Tumblr or Twitter and think they know. So i wouldn’t say each generation births more communists than the previous ones.

    I find it very hard to believe that capitalism will be rejected anytime soon, which makes this debate pretty much useless imo.

    There’s also so much in between capitalism and communism that are better options.

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