April Lee Naeun’s mother, to Lee Hyunjoo “You can’t eat spicy, right? I put lots of pepper”

  • April Lee Naeun’s mother, to Lee HyunjooYou can’t eat spicy, right? I put lots of pepper”


    In the 11th episode of ‘Here Goes April!, released in November 2015, Lee Hyunjoo and Kim Chaewon visited Lee Naeun’s house and enjoyed the food prepared by Naeun’s mother

    In the video, Naeun’s mother said, “Hyunjoo can’t eat spicy food so sorry” and “I chopped a lot of peppers to show off my knife skills.”

    In addition, when Hyunjoo said, “Please teach me how to make seafood pancake” Naeun’s mother replied with a baby’s voice “A squid, it’s all stuck, there are no ingredients.” Naeun said, “Mom why are you talking like that? Mom talk normally” Naeun’s mother replied, “Omo! I was copying Hyunjoo”

    original post: theqoo

    1. This is the scariest thing I’ve ever seen

    2. Why did an adult do this to a kid?

    3. This is why home education is so important. Naeun learned everything from her mother

    4. The video hurt me even more so I don’t want Hyunjoo’s parents and younger brother to see this..

    5. I understand well why her daughter bullies others

    6. She learned everything from her mother

    7. Hyunjoo, I support you

    8. I got goosebumps

    9. When I watched that video, I was sad to see Hyunjoo smiling

    10. I can’t even imagine how Hyunjoo has suffered

  • Someone tell me what happened, i am confused?

    Basically they're saying Naeun's mother was also participating in bullying. On camera.

    -She knew Hyunjoo couldn't eat spicy food and then told Hyunjoo she puts a lot of peppers in the food.

    -When Hyunjoo asked her how to make seafood pancake, she replied flippantly and in a tone which mocked Hyunjoo.

    Edit: But here's the actual footage so you can judge for yourself. Unfortunately, there are no subs.

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    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


    Edited once, last by Poetry ().

  • I've just watched it, it doesn't look as bad as it sounds.

    She put chili in the squid pancakes. I searched for recipes and I see red and green chili peppers as ingredients. Maybe it's standard for it to be spicy.

    When she asked how to make pancakes this specific translation just put as 'we already made them before'. I don't know Korean, so I don't know which is correct. And she just answered aegyo with aegyo, I didn't see anything wrong with that.

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  • This forum need eww reaction.

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