Plastic surgeons who denied Seo Yeji's graduation photos delete videos in humiliation
Its a doozy, and your going to need a cup of coffee and a bottle a wine to get through it all, so get ready, and I'll try to make this very long and dramatic story as short as I can. Bearing in mind, this all came out in the past 3 days. But this is like someone mixed Irene's gapjil scandal, with all the bullying scandals, took a whole load of drugs then tried to write a k-tragedy drama whilst sleep deprived. In other words its mental and it keeps getting worse in ways I didn't even anticipate it could get worse.
Kim Jung Hyun is an actor who was trying to leave his agency. He had a 11 month hiatus for mental health etc and he claims his contract is over but his agency were like nope, that hiatus put a pause so you still owe us 11 months of work. And this is all when just got big due to some drama. This is the backdrop because people speculate this all started due to the agency wanting revenge and trying to keep him. ALSO key point, the agency he was trying to move to, is Seo Ye Ji's.
Next thing you know a story pops up of him being a nightmare whilst filming with Girl Generation Seohyun for their Drama 'Time' back in 2018. As in he made her run of crying multiple times whilst filming. He treated her like a disease, and would rush of to wash his hand furiously if he touched her. He asked for all the contact scenes to be removed and even in the wedding scene they weren't holding hands. He then was made by his company to apologise to her, but his behaviour continued after. The video of the press conference is top awkward, he is literally trying everything he can to avoid being anywhere near her.
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.So that story popped off, especially when people realised this was around the time GG members were very vocal in their love and support to her and people thought she was going through a tough time.
Now here is where the actress comes in, a story comes out that the reason he was like this was he was dating her at the time and she has a history of being VERY controlling and manipulating in her relationships. It mentions she told him not to touch anyone, not to even talk to the staff members and someone leaked their private messages where she even asks for videos of him on set as proof. Here is a link to the messages, but pretty much everyone thinks he leaked them as he was getting blasted from every side.
As soon as this comes out people start making connections and saying it seems like he was in an emotionally abusive relationship with her, like to staff members saying if his script demands weren't met he would run out dry heaving, how different he seemed from previous casts he was in, and even from how he was at the beginning of this drama. He was much nicer and even had a good relationship with Seohyun.
THEN a video from a couple months ago starts rising, its from a reporter who says she is known for being crazy manipulative towards her boyfriends, even calling them shouting fire, then asking why they took so long when her life could have been in danger. He also drops that she used to date TVXQ Yunho, and drove him to the point that even when they broke up he would go to her agency and diet when he heard she was dieting. He even alleged that another actor tried to commit su*cide due to her. He rounded it off by saying she didn't really go to university in Spain like she said, and she was currently dating a cousin of her ex (both are famous and they live in the same apartment).
Since then her agency made a statement saying they were in a toxic relationship on both sides but he did things she asked as he wanted to (paraphrasing here), then he made a handwritten statement handing it in to the media himself (so the company relationship broke down) and all kinds of stories kept being dropped about her, from her making her assistants lives nightmarish, to her not getting into said Uni in Spain and being backstabbing to the Korean community in Spain. There is one story of her telling this Korean girl (spent majority of her life in Spain) that a sign of trust is giving your friend your bank details, getting mad till she gave them, then using the girls money to buy a plane ticket and never paying her back.
There's a producer that also got linked with her, but he is currently suing people saying its false (doesn't really stop people saying it though)
It seems like people are just digging into every aspect of her life, hence the plastic surgeons out to see if she got any. People are even saying she used to date Yunho's best friend as well.
Now another one dropped, saying when Yunho was filming 'Night Watchman' she also controlled his behaviour. He supposedly went from mega friendly and easy to approach to ignoring everyone and trying to limit contact, even with the people doing his makeup. Apparently he tried to finish the drama early by skipping sleep but staff noticed her in his car when she visited and she would just be screaming at him always.
So yeah, your now up to date. But its going to get much worse, I read somewhere someone commented that a PD said she is the type to hurt herself to get attention....I pray it doesn't come to that and remember, all of this is still alleged. In his apology Kim Jing Hun didn't mention her at all so who knows what the truth is.
And again, this all happened in 3 DAYS.
Kim Jung Hyun was not trying to move to Seo YeJi's agency, but Seo JiHye's agency. Seo Jihye was the one paired with KJH in Crash landing on you. Dispatch involvement, in this case, started when they released KJH and SJH dating news first, then the next day Dispatch leaked KJH and SYJ private messages.
KJH is involved with 3 Seos. Seohyun, Seo Yeji, and Seo Jihye
The twists and turns in this scandal
Kim Jung Hyun was not trying to move to Seo YeJi's agency, but Seo JiHye's agency. Seo Jihye was the one paired with KJH in Crash landing on you. Dispatch involvement, in this case, started when they released KJH and SJH dating news first, then the next day Dispatch leaked KJH and SYJ private messages.
KJH is involved with 3 Seos. Seohyun, Seo Yeji, and Seo Jihye
The twists and turns in this scandal
Thank you. This story is making my head hurt its so dramatic. So he is currently dating SJH, but used to date SYJ?
Thank you. This story is making my head hurt its so dramatic. So he is currently dating SJH, but used to date SYJ?
Yes, he used to date SYJ. But he denied dating SJH
I dont get why beauty and plastic surgery is always brought up when scandals on character of a person happen... like they did things which are ILLEGAL and IMMORAL and you choose to write about a beauty procedure which is extremely popular in your country and is perfectly legal?
I swear the obsession with looks in SK are way over the top
Its a doozy, and your going to need a cup of coffee and a bottle a wine to get through it all, so get ready, and I'll try to make this very long and dramatic story as short as I can. Bearing in mind, this all came out in the past 3 days. But this is like someone mixed Irene's gapjil scandal, with all the bullying scandals, took a whole load of drugs then tried to write a k-tragedy drama whilst sleep deprived. In other words its mental and it keeps getting worse in ways I didn't even anticipate it could get worse.
Kim Jung Hyun is an actor who was trying to leave his agency. He had a 11 month hiatus for mental health etc and he claims his contract is over but his agency were like nope, that hiatus put a pause so you still owe us 11 months of work. And this is all when just got big due to some drama. This is the backdrop because people speculate this all started due to the agency wanting revenge and trying to keep him. ALSO key point, the agency he was trying to move to, is Seo Ye Ji's.
Next thing you know a story pops up of him being a nightmare whilst filming with Girl Generation Seohyun for their Drama 'Time' back in 2018. As in he made her run of crying multiple times whilst filming. He treated her like a disease, and would rush of to wash his hand furiously if he touched her. He asked for all the contact scenes to be removed and even in the wedding scene they weren't holding hands. He then was made by his company to apologise to her, but his behaviour continued after. The video of the press conference is top awkward, he is literally trying everything he can to avoid being anywhere near her.
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.So that story popped off, especially when people realised this was around the time GG members were very vocal in their love and support to her and people thought she was going through a tough time.
Now here is where the actress comes in, a story comes out that the reason he was like this was he was dating her at the time and she has a history of being VERY controlling and manipulating in her relationships. It mentions she told him not to touch anyone, not to even talk to the staff members and someone leaked their private messages where she even asks for videos of him on set as proof. Here is a link to the messages, but pretty much everyone thinks he leaked them as he was getting blasted from every side.
As soon as this comes out people start making connections and saying it seems like he was in an emotionally abusive relationship with her, like to staff members saying if his script demands weren't met he would run out dry heaving, how different he seemed from previous casts he was in, and even from how he was at the beginning of this drama. He was much nicer and even had a good relationship with Seohyun.
THEN a video from a couple months ago starts rising, its from a reporter who says she is known for being crazy manipulative towards her boyfriends, even calling them shouting fire, then asking why they took so long when her life could have been in danger. He also drops that she used to date TVXQ Yunho, and drove him to the point that even when they broke up he would go to her agency and diet when he heard she was dieting. He even alleged that another actor tried to commit su*cide due to her. He rounded it off by saying she didn't really go to university in Spain like she said, and she was currently dating a cousin of her ex (both are famous and they live in the same apartment).
Since then her agency made a statement saying they were in a toxic relationship on both sides but he did things she asked as he wanted to (paraphrasing here), then he made a handwritten statement handing it in to the media himself (so the company relationship broke down) and all kinds of stories kept being dropped about her, from her making her assistants lives nightmarish, to her not getting into said Uni in Spain and being backstabbing to the Korean community in Spain. There is one story of her telling this Korean girl (spent majority of her life in Spain) that a sign of trust is giving your friend your bank details, getting mad till she gave them, then using the girls money to buy a plane ticket and never paying her back.
There's a producer that also got linked with her, but he is currently suing people saying its false (doesn't really stop people saying it though)
It seems like people are just digging into every aspect of her life, hence the plastic surgeons out to see if she got any. People are even saying she used to date Yunho's best friend as well.
Now another one dropped, saying when Yunho was filming 'Night Watchman' she also controlled his behaviour. He supposedly went from mega friendly and easy to approach to ignoring everyone and trying to limit contact, even with the people doing his makeup. Apparently he tried to finish the drama early by skipping sleep but staff noticed her in his car when she visited and she would just be screaming at him always.
So yeah, your now up to date. But its going to get much worse, I read somewhere someone commented that a PD said she is the type to hurt herself to get attention....I pray it doesn't come to that and remember, all of this is still alleged. In his apology Kim Jing Hun didn't mention her at all so who knows what the truth is.
And again, this all happened in 3 DAYS.
You got one thing wrong the agency that kim jung hyun was moving to is not the same agency that seo ye ji is in. The agency that the actor was in talks with is cultural depot. Seo ji hye's agency
Just edited it
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