so basically gonna be losing my best friend this year

  • whatev

    Changed the title of the thread from “so bascically gonna be losing my best friend this year” to “so basically gonna be losing my best friend this year”.
    • Official Post

    if she was your best* friend, then i would try to maintain the friendship at acquaintance level. if you're one of those people who can make friends easily i suppose it's not a big loss but if you have a hard time making friends, i would reconsider.

    if it was a huge event and a clash based on your core beliefs, then it's best to let go and move on.

    whichever you choose, it's hard to lose a friend. i hope you make the decision that brings you peace and less regrets.

  • if she was your best* friend, then i would try to maintain the friendship at acquaintance level. if you're one of those people who can make friends easily i suppose it's not a big loss but if you have a hard time making friends, i would reconsider.

    if it was a huge event and a clash based on your core beliefs, then it's best to let go and move on.

    whichever you choose, it's hard to lose a friend. i hope you make the decision that brings you peace and less regrets.

    i can't make friends easily, i'm emotionally a very distant person , which is why we're fighting in the first place. she says she's more invested in our friendship than me, which is true, but i don't mean any harm , it's just who i am which is kind of sad cause she's one of the few people i care about. also i have put it effort A LOT in the beginning but now i just don't. i'm more of introvert and she's an extrovert so our personalities clash. also it's not that i'm a bitch , i'm really nice to her , i just close off and get into my bubble and thinking i'm not bothering people and that hurts them.

    i want to be a better friend tho so i'm thinking if i should let go and say cool, let's stay as aquintaces or learn to be a more considerate friend by making sacrifices.

    btw all my other close friends are either like or understanding, but none of them are my bffs.

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