It's almost 5 months since Illit released Cherish, and I'm still coping. I am not an Illit fan, but I do believe in Iroha supremecy.
HOWEVER, while people shit on Cherish unable to topple Magnetic. I think Cherish had a good concept and potential story to it. Musically, it may be okay, artistically, it could've been more. And every time I hear it, I cry.
If Illit had pivoted to an eerie/horror concept with catchy beats, I think they would've differentiated themselves and possibly opened up a new avenue of themes. The girlies, while they are gorgeous, can easily pull off an off-putting yet addictive vibe. They can maintain their soft music and voice, those are fine. However, instead of the cutesy outfits, they could've gone Wednesday Adams style black or a darker color pallet.
When I read/listened to Cherish's lyrics/song, I thought; they must've gone with a darker MV to match this. As in, obsessive/stalker theme. But instead, I got teeth. The whole album could've pivoted to a darker obsessive theme of love, but it didn't. Story wise, it would've been such a fun/unique/cool way to branch out of the cutesy vibe while maintaining that cuteness their visuals carry.
So all I can do is cope. I was close to becoming an Illit freaking close.