Have you ever been on a date with a Korean man/woman?

  • Sugary-Salt

    Changed the title of the thread from “Have you ever been on a date with a Korean?” to “Have you ever been on a date with a Korean man/woman?”.
  • Yes I have

    And she wasn't cold at all. In Aussie parlance I would instead say she was "mad as a cut snake", but in a fun way. Energetic and hyperactive.

    nice, nice. I did not date Korean women, but I lived with them few days. They were nice but conservative. What's funny that nobody listened kpop.

    "You can troll on your main and we have plenty examples of that" (c) Ves


    Edited once, last by Sugary-Salt ().

  • Wasn't a Date so much as a shared adventures in a group. Groups of riders on Sportsbikes touring around breaking all the traffic laws. XD

    Americans of Asian ethnicity.

    Korean guys have a less suicidal riding style. Japanese guys are just Banzai through traffic. I wanted to cover my eyes but I had to watch where we were going. XD

    Korean ladies are very center of attention in the group. One held a Birthday ride with a huge turnout. One thing they all had top quality rides.

    The more one on one rides it was friends only. Seen others getting too involved mess everything up. One mentioned after a long day of riding she wanted sex. Oh no just be friends, with all the fresh air I'll barley can make it home to crash in bed.

  • One mentioned after a long day of riding she wanted sex. Oh no just be friends, with all the fresh air I'll barley can make it home to crash in bed.

    After riding the bike she wanted to ride a man. As I understood right, you denied her? like: girl, I'm not a bike

    "You can troll on your main and we have plenty examples of that" (c) Ves


  • Was just talking during a rest stop. Talked about the ride and situations of close calls, some griping. Oh no we were talking behind people's back. XD Anyrate yes I did not pursue her sex remark. It was one of those Friends first, nothing more. To this day we're still friends, no awkward moments.

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