I only saw 2 kpop artist going here NCT 127 and Lisa
and tbh both of the time it was embarassing and it's even more when you watch other artist video before
it's so obvious that kpop artist doesn't write for themselves so they can't give a proper explanation of the lyrics and it's so cringy cuz you can see they try to find something to say but it's all mixed up or it doesn't make sense
for example i was first watching Jade talking about "angel of my dreams"
and you can see that she took part in the process of the song, like the way she explain the lyrics you see that it's based on her past experience in the music
like even how she talk about why the melody is like this, why the lyrics are like this at this moment
it all makes sense
and then i tried to see if other kpop appear and saw lisa recently went on the show and it was a bit cringy to see her talking about the lyrics of "new woman" she had nothing to say about 90℅ of the lyrics in the song, and gave no input about why these lyrics were use and what was the meaning behind it
there's literally one part where meal appear in the lyrics , and in contrary of talking about the meaning behind the lyrics she talk about her favorite meal
that's not the goal of this show
even the length of the video usually considering that people who worked on their own lyrics have a lot to say, the video is at least 5 min, it was just 3:35 here 🫣🫣
then i try to see nct 127 cuz it was in my recommendation, and i'm a nctzen
even if i'm not as invested than i used to be
but big mistake !!!
at least NCT 127 talk more about the meaning of the lyrics in comparison of the lisa video
but it was kiinda of cringy to see them try so hard to turn around the bush by not openly admit it the sexual meaning of the lyrics and tried to make it sound like an innocent song
but both in contrary of someone like jade for example didn't give any input about the reason why the lyrics was out here
or why tbese melody etc....
and i think it's best that kpop artist never go back on genius verified if they didn't work on their own stuff, didn't spend their time in the recording studio working on the lyrics or the melody
cuz it don't give them thebest image to appear in this type of video then and not even be able to explain anything about the music they released