Judge Merchan refuses to recuse and will rule on the immunity claim on September 16th

  • Judge rejects Donald Trump's latest demand to step aside from hush money criminal case
    Donald Trump has lost his latest bid for a new judge in his New York hush money criminal case. Judge Juan M.


    Judge Juan Merchan said that he will rule on the immunity claim fairly and impartially on September 16th, 2024, and if he rules against Trump, then Trump will be sentenced on September 18th, 2024. His sentence (prison time, a fine, etc) is up to the judge himself.

    Trump wants to appeal the guilty verdict, but the appeal cannot take place right now. Plus he has 3 other criminal cases.

    And yes, Judge Merchan will rule on the immunity claim fairly and impartially because if a judge anywhere in the United States rules according to his/her personal or political views, then that judge is obviously not fair and impartial.

    Just as the 6th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States requires jurors to be impartial, the judge must also be impartial.

    Impartial Judge and Jury


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  • People involve in criminal cases shouldn't be allow to run for president

    What type of message is it sending ?

    Punishing criminals ? No here in the US we reward them by making them become president

    In the United States, the Electoral College rewards electoral votes to the Democratic and Republican nominee.

    If a criminal is punished, then that person can be president once that person achieves at least 270 electoral votes, but no one knows if a criminal running for president would govern the country from the White House until the term expires or would govern from prison because Trump is the first President of the United States to be convicted.


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  • And yes, Judge Merchan will rule on the immunity claim fairly and impartially because if a judge anywhere in the United States rules according to his/her personal or political views, then that judge is obviously not fair and impartial.

    Just as the 6th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States requires jurors to be impartial, the judge must also be impartia

    On paper

    Reality doesn't work that way with rich people, as we've already seen with trump😅



  • Reality doesn't work that way with rich people, as we've already seen with trump😅

    In reality, Juan Merchan said during the hush money trial that if Trump keeps violating the gag order, then the only option left would be prison instead of a $1,000 fine per violation of the gag order (maximum is $1,000 under New York law)

    “Going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction,” -Judge Juan Merchan during Trump's hush money trial

    Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass said that “this defendant [Donald Trump] is just like any other defendant in any other criminal case."


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    Edited 2 times, last by bethesda: added emphasis ().

  • Reality doesn't work that way with rich people, as we've already seen with trump😅

    By the way, O. J. Simpson was rich and convicted in 2008.


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  • By the way, O. J. Simpson was rich and convicted in 2008.

    OJ was in severe debt back then due to lawsuits from the time he quite literally got away with murder, hence the need to commit robbery, idk if he's the best example :sweatr:

    I hope the judge chooses to be fair and impartial for Trump but I'm naturally skeptical after seeing other judges clown the very concept for the last few years



  • I hope the judge chooses to be fair and impartial for Trump but I'm naturally skeptical after seeing other judges clown the very concept for the last few years

    All judges in the US are fair and impartial.

    Partiality of judges in the US.png

    That says "Alaska", but it applies to every judge in the US.


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  • All judges in the US are fair and impartial.

    Partiality of judges in the US.png

    That says "Alaska", but it applies to every judge in the US.

    Yes, they are supposed to do their jobs a certain way. But sometimes they don't, as with most people with jobs. Especially when money and power comes into play.

    There are countless cases of the justice system not being fair. It is what it is.



  • There are countless cases of the justice system not being fair.

    In countries like Russia yeah. Russia was not being fair to Marc Fogel for trying to enter Russia with medical marijuana (probably to help a friend or something). He is now imprisoned in Russia.


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  • In countries like Russia yeah. Russia was not being fair to Marc Fogel for trying to enter Russia with medical marijuana (probably to help a friend or something). He is now imprisoned in Russia.

    In America too



  • In America too

    South America, but not the United States of America. Some people don't like Peronism (a leftist movement in Argentina), but some, like Sergio Massa, like it.

    Peronism - Wikipedia


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  • The United States of America. If you think our justice system has no corruption, I have a bridge to sell you.

    Every criminal trial in the United States has no corruption. They all go through the same steps regardless if it's a celebrity or not!

    1. Jury call
    2. Voir dire
    3. Jurors sworn in
    4. Opening statements
    5. Prosecution's case
    6. Defendant's case
    7. Prosecution's rebuttal case (not required)
    8. Closing arguments
    9. Jury instruction or jury charge
    10. Jury deliberation
    11. Verdict
    12. Sentencing (if guilty verdict)

    Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York is no different!


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  • Every criminal trial in the United States has no corruption. They all go through the same steps regardless if it's a celebrity or not!

    1. Jury call
    2. Voir dire
    3. Jurors sworn in
    4. Opening statements
    5. Prosecution's case
    6. Defendant's case
    7. Prosecution's rebuttal case (not required)
    8. Closing arguments
    9. Jury instruction or jury charge
    10. Jury deliberation
    11. Verdict
    12. Sentencing (if guilty verdict)

    Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York is no different!

    So will you be paying in cash or credit?

  • So will you be paying in cash or credit?

    In livestock.

    Genesis. 47:16 NIV:

    Genesis 47 16 NIV.png


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