Fans lining up to take selfies with it girl Min Heejin in shibuya japan + more

  • lol, imagine if some deranged bang shooter called him god for debuting bts or “believing in them” not disbanding them despite their flopping in their rookie years?

    Imagine if jyp or sm, or god forbid yg, or any other company ceo really, were worshipped for having the funding or vision to debut the groups they did, despite the obstacles or setbacks or whatever that they faced?

    Can you imagine how big of a laughing stock these lunatic ceo stans would become and the clowning they would receive?

    And yet, mhj stans are out here being proud that they stan her and idolise her even more than they do the actual idols in her company? Like i said, company stans wish they reached this level of derangement and lunacy lol. I guess mhj really paved the way for a new kind of mental illness, yall must be proud of her achievements :meme-happy-cry: The deranged section of taylor swift stans finally found a worthy opponent :meme-happy-cry:


  • is the “hating/attacking nj” in the room with us right now? Literally not a single person in this thread has said any word about nj, let alone attacking them. And literally no hybe stan has even made a post in this thread

    You do know that mhj isn’t an actual nj member right? And that criticising her doesn’t equal hating nj? Bc if you can’t tell the distinction then oh boy, i got bad news for ya :pepe-cringe: Company stans wish they were this delusional and lacking self-awareness lol

    Worshipping and being this obsessed with a narcissistic millionaire just bc she played yall so well like a fiddle with her “david vs goliath” narrative has got to be a new low for kpop stans. The degree of being brainwashed is insane


  • [enter-talk] MIN HEEJIN IS IN TOKYOㅋㅋ

    June 26, 2024

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    post response:


    original post: here

    1. [+84, -6]

    Usually, people do get fans if they are in the arts worldㅇㅇ Movie directors have fans, visual artists have fans, and composers have fans. It just wasn't as f*cking common in the entertainment industry before. You're saying she shouldn't act like a celebrity, but if Bunnies ask her for a photo, should she just ignore them and walk away? She took a few photos and then moved onㅠ Seeing the complaints here, you'd think that Min Heejin held a fan meeting or something

    2. [+72, -8]

    To the comments below, Min Heejin isn’t trying to be a celebrity, she genuinely has star power...ㅋㅋ She just went to Tokyo, and fans gathered around her so what do you want her to do about itㅋㅋㅋㅋ She even made a brief press conference appearance, and her outfit sold out immediatelyㅋㅋㅋㅋ How is this her fault?

    3. [+48, -5]

    She was just passing by and Min Heejin was well-known even before NewJeans when she was with SM. That’s why HYBE brought her on board right away, and why NewJeans trainees gathered under herㅋㅋㅋ

    4. [+47, -6]

    Why are some of you so angry?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Are you upset because it seems like Min Heejin has good luck?

    5. [+4,2 -4]

    Sorry, but if you’re going to criticize Min Heejin for going to Tokyo, then Bang Sihyuk should have been stoned for playing the guitar at Weverse Con.

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    This guy is allegedly hyein's brother


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  • Mhj line interview

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