[theqoo] Today's encore stage that is getting fierce divided opinions between bad at singing vs safe


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    original post: here

    1. People are really divided over this...? They are totally off-key

    2. Can anyone even call this "good"?

    3. Sung Hanbin did fine

    4. They were fine though?

    5. If you're fine with this, then why did the guys who got hated on got so much hate so far?

    6. It's honestly amazing that people can be divided over thiszㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    7. Zhang Hao was the only normal one though...?

    8. Who is saying that this sounds "safe"?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    9. The kids who suck have way too many parts

    10. Nobody sang on-key... How is this "safe"?... How low has the standards for K-pop fall?...

    11. Everyone is being so lenient on them... they did pretty bad though..?

    12. This song has a lot of falsettos so I do agree that it's harder to sing live but Han Yujin is simply tone deaf

    13. Oh they are even worse than me

    14. Why are people overrating male idols' skills so much?

    15. Aside from 1-2 of them, they were all severe

  • it's really just yujin and ricky that really can't sing but besides them zb1 aren't the worst 4th gen bg when it comes to vocals by a long shot. however the song itself relies on a lot of falsetto which is always tricky, the line between sounding good and sounding shrill is so thin with falsetto

    idk why they give the non-vocal members so many difficult lines, shouldn't they know the members skills level and assign lines accordingly? or are they afraid of fans bitching about their bias having no lines?

    🍒 Chee~eer~ish 🍒


  • Yeah...sorry, but this is in no way "safe".

    The first two started out okay, but it just went down hill from the 3rd guy on.

    Hanbin sounded decent, and there was one other guy (don't know their names that well) who sounded like he can probably carry a tune as well.

    Everyone else sounded bad. Clearly this was not a song meant for them to perform live because it seems out of the range of 80% of the group.



  • they afraid of fans bitching about their bias having no lines

    Likely this, you see this same complaint from NCT to BTS to every damn group in between and beyond. That's usually what happens when a group has a song with a member or two with very little or no lines it's given to the people that sing it best. But fans don't understand logic they go off emotions and get upset and cause a fuss about shit like screen time or lines on a song. Bruh the songs are picked this way for a reason. But nope fans understand nothing

  • You can tell they themselves don't even like the song. All the high parts sounded really bad, the part when they were harmonizing was hard to listen to. I like Ricky and Yujin tone but they sounded rough. They need way more practice. Zhang Hao, Taerae and Hanbin sounded good in most parts and did their best saving it

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    Edited 4 times, last by lialve ().

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