What I liked about Extraordinary Attorney Woo

  • DISCLAIMER: I actually haven't watched full episodes of the kdrama because of the fact I don't have Netflix, but I have seen some scenes and stuff from it. (yup, kinda weird that I'm making a thread about it despite not having watched that kdrama...) If you have watched all the episodes of the kdrama, you may correct me if I said something wrong.

    And also, there might be some stuff that I like that other autistics don't like. Like this is more like my personal opinion. And I also can't speak for all autistics.

    Despite the fact that the kdrama might have some flaws, I'm going to say some positive stuff about it.

    And I know that some people are bothered by the fact that the main character is played by a non-autistic actress, but I'm not the kind of person, who is bothered by that kind of stuff.

    And I guess the main character is also kinda being the "all autistics are savant" trope?

    One thing that I liked about it was the fact that it features an autistic character, who is a woman.

    Most of the times, when a movie or TV show features an autistic character, it is a man. (like people often think of Rainman, Sheldon and also Shaun Murphy)

    Before this kdrama came out, I had kinda been wishing that there would be a kdrama, that had an autistic female character, because the only autistic kdrama characters that I could think of was male characters, like the main character from Good Doctor and that character from It's Okay Not To Be Okay.

    Another thing, I liked about it was how they didn't act as if talking about your hyperfixation is a bad thing.

    Or at least this kdrama seemed to handle it better than one TV series (another one, I haven't watched lol), where that character was kinda being punished by his love interest for talking about his hyperfixation and that "punishment" thing was seen as a positive thing.... (I can't imagine myself dating someone and forcing myself to NOT talk about the things that I really like or hyperfixate about.)

    Even though in this kdrama, there are some characters who telll her stuff like "Don't talk about whales" and "don't talk about palindromes at work". (but maybe this had more to do with them wanting her to sound more professional at work or something)

    And when Woo Young Woo meets her love interest, Lee Junho (not the 2PM member), for the first time at work, and he mentioned how her name was a palindrome, she said "We're not supposed to talk about that at work". He just responds with "Okay, then we'll talk about it outside."

    And when she talks about whales, he lets her talk with him about it. He doesn't act like it is a bad thing.

    And he also gave her at least two whale-related gifts. (he wouldn't have done that if he saw her whale-talking as a bad thing)

    Speaking of Lee Junho :oops:

    I also like that character. He is my ideal type.

    And Kang Tae Oh, who plays that character, is also a handsome actor.

    I have seen some people say about this kdrama that it is a good thing to see an autistic character have a love interest. (I think there are people, who might think, for some reason, that autistic people can't have boyfriends or girlfriends. Even though I myself have never had a boyfriend, but that has more to with the fact that I have kinda have troubles when it comes to relationships, also friendships.)

    And I think Lee Junho is also a good love interest.

    And I'm going to say, as someone who kinda like hugs, "I'll be your personal hug chair" is a flipping romantic thing to say. :nervousk:

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    Well... this thread is random.

  • in that drama there are good people who treat Woo Young Woo with respect, but there is also ton of those who shit on her

    but I guess they've wanted to show the true nature of life as person of disablities, without making it all rainbowy and cute and all that, and this is why it touched people hearts

    if you enjoy things like this try to watch some teasers of Twinkling Watermelon and read about it

    I think you might also like it, one of characters is hearing impaired

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  • if you enjoy things like this try to watch some teasers of Twinkling Watermelon and read about it

    I think you might also like it, one of characters is hearing impaired

    I have actually watched some episodes of Twinkling Watermelon and I kinda liked it.

    I don't think I have seen any other kdrama that had featured sign language.

  • I have actually watched some episodes of Twinkling Watermelon and I kinda liked it.

    I don't think I have seen any other kdrama that had featured sign language.

    there is also 'Tell me that you love me' kdrama in which main male character is deaf

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  • My mom really doesn't get the whole kdrama thing but the opening was so intriguing that she watched the first episode with me. Really liked it. My little brother is still a kid but on the spectrum, so things that portray autism are always something we like to watch. Personally, I really loved her portrayal of autism and it's one of the better ones I've seen without being too ridiculous, exaggerated or sensationalized.

    Lee Junho is my ideal type too :flower-cutie:



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • It was entertaining, the regulars acted well, and the protagonists were likeable. I don't always find protagonists likeable whether they be traditional protagonist or antiheroes.


    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


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