Do you like skipping rope? 3
Yes (2) 67%
No (1) 33%
Unsure (0) 0%
Never tried it (0) 0%
I do, but I barely use it.
I do, but I barely use it.
i spent so much time falling on my butt trying to learn how to skip rope as a child, i used to be able to do a few hundred in a row but i haven't tried it for years so i don't know how well i can still do it now
I had a cute one who's ends you can hold in your hand looked like a little lion with ears and the rope was red while the sticks you hold hd been yellow but I sucked so hard and hated it, because the best I got was 1 slow trow and walk over and I hated the kids who did like this in 1 second while already prepairing for the 2nd jump ... I tried so bad and never knew how to get it done properly. My grandma said I just need to try, but it didn't worked. My mom didn't knew how to do it so when I asked my grandma why I fail, she only said that nobody needs to be perfect and therefore you can't be perfect in every thing you do
YEAH, it's a fun way to exercise but I literally only do it like once a year
YEAH, it's a fun way to exercise but I literally only do it like once a year
Okay I added the poll
I love it coz I do boxing
I hated skipping rope because of my poor hand-eye-mind coordination.
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