[theqoo + enter-talk] Knetz react to BABYMONSTER - SHEESH MV

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    original post: here

    1. BP #2

    2. Wow they did well

    3. What a hard song

    4. BaeMon is jjang ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

    5. The song is better than I thought?

    6. This is seriously such a YG song but the song is better than I thought

    7. This sounds way too much like a BP song

    8. The Indian beat and chorus sound so much like a BP song and as expected, the song ended with a group chantㅋㅋ

    9. It sounds fine

    10. The song makes me bored...

    11. What a waste of Ahyeonie....

    12. Oh it's good

    13. They are good at singing and rapping.... nice

    14. There are too many raps and the hook is bad...ㅠㅠ

    15. The kids are definitely individually talented




    post response:
    original post: here

    1. [+63, -7]
    It's as if they're saying "We're YG so we don't need an easy listening or trendy songㅋㅋ ^^" like that

    2. [+58, -5]
    It's the first time I'm seeing such a strong concept with rap in it since BlackPink so I'm welcoming it

    3. [+55, -6]
    It's nice hearing a song like that where everyone is talented and the song is freaking good too. And nobody has an unpleasant voice. Meanwhile the house next door has freaking good songs but some members are so unpleasant to listen to

    4. [+52, -5]
    I like the fact that it doesn't suck like Batter Up, and it's straight up YG's vibe

    5. [+50 ,-4]
    They have that rookie energy

  • well, at least the comments weren't bad I was expecting worse....

    there is definitely a YG style musically and bp influence set wise specially but imo they made enough changes to make it a bit their own sound wise at least. I'm sure they will have more songs that they will try other genres since melon profile changed their music description

  • well, at least the comments weren't bad I was expecting worse....

    there is definitely a YG style musically and bp influence set wise specially but imo they made enough changes to make it a bit their own sound wise at least. I'm sure they will have more songs that they will try other genres since melon profile changed their music description

    you know how in comic books, manga, or some fantasy/sci-fi tv series you have alternate universes?

    this is how Babymonster feels

    it's like BP was Earth-1

    and Baemon is Earth-2

    like if BP would travel to Earth-2 they would suddenly learn that their group is there but it has 7 members instead of 4 and all that xD

  • I hope this channel will cover it

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  • bartkun

    Changed the title of the thread from “[theqoo] BABYMONSTER - SHEESH MV” to “[theqoo + enter-talk] Knetz react to BABYMONSTER - SHEESH MV”.

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