What is the weirdest thing you ever got jealous of?

  • When I was a kid and met some kids during the holidays who had been 4-5 years older than me. I was 8 and they like 12 and the girls had als super long fingers. I told my mom about it and she said "you might also have them when you grow older" and I didn't belived her in how short my fingers looked compared to many other kids at my age

    Now I'm an adult and do have long fingers, altho it dosn't looks too much like it cause my fingers arn't really slim

    But back than I was totally jealous of long fingers xD

    And what was the weirdest thing you have been jealous about?

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • I've had a lot....

    1. Long hair

    When I was in 8th grade I really wanted my hair to be long like the other girls in my class, My hair does grow pretty quickly, but it wasn't growing fast enough, so I spent all my allowance on buying hair oil and hair growth products. The next year in 9th grade, My hair grew so long it was down to my back.

    2. Pretty Nails

    I hate my fingernails, most girls have long and pretty shaped nails, but my nails are square shaped and I hate them.

    3. Lip balms

    My lips are always chapped because I'm too lazy to put chapstick on, but when I was in 6th grade my friends all had pretty lipglosses and pretty EOS lip balms, I asked my parents to buy me EOS lip balms, but they told me I was insane and I should just use vaseline. So I stayed jealous all of 6th grade when all the girls had their new lip balms and I didn't.


  • nose bleeds

    all the kids got nose bleeds except me

    I wanted a nose bleed.......

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  • nose bleeds

    all the kids got nose bleeds except me

    I wanted a nose bleed.......

    Lol it reminds me of time when i was in school, during assembly in the morning some times some kids will get dizzy and fall, it happened kinda often because morning assembly in my school used to be a bit too long and all the students had to stand during it. I never felt dizzy or have fallen unconscious, i always wonder how does it actually feels when the lights go out fr.

  • My own guinea pigs. My husband would come home and kiss them and talk to them before saying hello or anything to me. It used to bother me but then I'm like, 'girl they're just rodents and he loves us both'😂😂

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