Idol A: Took a photo in a "No picture allowed" area
Knetz 1: "Go to hell you motherfucker, why you so dissrespecting this no photo area!"
Knetz 2: "Lol what a loser, he took a pic where its not allowed"
Knetz 3: "Dafuq is with people these days... can't he read the sign that says he isn't allowed to take pics?"
Idol B: Eats in public with a friend of the oposite gender
Knetz 1: "She is clearly dating"
Knetz 2: "And she will deny the claims by saying he is just a friend, of course she will"
Knetz 3: "Did her agency respond to the dating allegations yet?"
Idol C: Smokes 1 cigarette and get caught
Knetz 1: "How dare she!" (altho this Knetz smokes themself)
Knetz 2: "Dosn't she knows how bad this is for herself aswell as her image of being a rolemodel?"
Knetz 3: "I hate people that smoke, so I unstann her"
Idol D: Gained 2 pounds
Knetz 1: "Look she is so fat"
Knetz 2: "I liked her more when she was slim"
Knetz 3: "She still looks healthy tho, but it's not pretty"
Idol E: Is 25 years old, but wrote one rude comment on Youtube in their private account 12 years ago and someone randomly found this comment
Knetz 1: "Oh wow, he is so rude"
Knetz 2: "I hope he better apologizes the fuck right now or else I will mass-report his Youtube account" (The said YT-account isn't even being used in 10 years)
Knetz 3: "The audacity he had to write this crap on Youtube..."
Idol F: Got a simple speeding ticket
Knetz 1: "Why can't she drive normaly?" (Altho this Knetz got a record of several speeding tickets themself)
Knetz 2: "Kick her out of her group! She is so bad for her members!"
Knetz 3: "Oneday she gets another one and another one and than loses her drivers liscence, she is so bad! Nobody needs someone like her as rolemodel!"
Idol G: Got a nosejob
Knetz 1: "She was so ugly before, look how pretty she got now"
Knetz 2: "Still ugly"
Knetz 3: "What's next? I think she also should do a diet, lose 10 pounds and than get a double-eyelid sugery"