KPop and scandals be like...

  • Idol A: Took a photo in a "No picture allowed" area

    Knetz 1: "Go to hell you motherfucker, why you so dissrespecting this no photo area!"

    Knetz 2: "Lol what a loser, he took a pic where its not allowed"

    Knetz 3: "Dafuq is with people these days... can't he read the sign that says he isn't allowed to take pics?"

    Idol B: Eats in public with a friend of the oposite gender

    Knetz 1: "She is clearly dating"

    Knetz 2: "And she will deny the claims by saying he is just a friend, of course she will"

    Knetz 3: "Did her agency respond to the dating allegations yet?"

    Idol C: Smokes 1 cigarette and get caught

    Knetz 1: "How dare she!" (altho this Knetz smokes themself)

    Knetz 2: "Dosn't she knows how bad this is for herself aswell as her image of being a rolemodel?"

    Knetz 3: "I hate people that smoke, so I unstann her"

    Idol D: Gained 2 pounds

    Knetz 1: "Look she is so fat"

    Knetz 2: "I liked her more when she was slim"

    Knetz 3: "She still looks healthy tho, but it's not pretty"

    Idol E: Is 25 years old, but wrote one rude comment on Youtube in their private account 12 years ago and someone randomly found this comment

    Knetz 1: "Oh wow, he is so rude"

    Knetz 2: "I hope he better apologizes the fuck right now or else I will mass-report his Youtube account" (The said YT-account isn't even being used in 10 years)

    Knetz 3: "The audacity he had to write this crap on Youtube..."

    Idol F: Got a simple speeding ticket

    Knetz 1: "Why can't she drive normaly?" (Altho this Knetz got a record of several speeding tickets themself)

    Knetz 2: "Kick her out of her group! She is so bad for her members!"

    Knetz 3: "Oneday she gets another one and another one and than loses her drivers liscence, she is so bad! Nobody needs someone like her as rolemodel!"

    Idol G: Got a nosejob

    Knetz 1: "She was so ugly before, look how pretty she got now"

    Knetz 2: "Still ugly"

    Knetz 3: "What's next? I think she also should do a diet, lose 10 pounds and than get a double-eyelid sugery"

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • Next Scandal in Kpop

    Idol A: Fell down the stairs while walking

    Knet 1 - "Wow, she didn't even consider the stairs feelings"

    Knet 2 - "Is she trying to make her group look bad by attacking the stairs like this? aisssh. thug."

    Knet 3 - "I can't stand her face anymore...just retire already."

    Knet 4 - "She has no conscious, falling down the stairs, she knows those stairs were built in 1794, they're very old. what if the stairs died?"

  • Idol E: Is 25 years old, but wrote one rude comment on Youtube in their private account 12 years ago and someone randomly found this comment

    Actually this bs isn't knets this is usually always ifans with the fake woke virtue signaling bs they will go comb the universe for stuff someone was associated with a million years ago and be like based on a comment or vague action when they were 10yrs old proves they are sexist bully or racist etc and need to die!.

    Totally ignoring the fact some 8yr old on fortnite said f*g*t once so they must be Hitler 🤡

  • knet 5 - "even her legs retired"

    knet 6 - "i knew she gained weight"

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