WM ENT Bubble Closure. (Who else have experience bubble closure, what do you think of DM private platforms?)

  • I just got a notice in my email about the closure of WM Bubble (Artists such as ONF, B1A4, Lee Chayeon, and Oh My Girl) are featured on it.

    I'm not going lie and say how delulu / confusing the Bubble platforms were to me in 2018.

    I got the platform for the first time in a while and wondered how your views have changed on this concept. Did yours change like mine did? At first, I got the platforms during Road To Kingdom for StrayKids, then I got three more. Although It wasn't long I got WeVerse DM for Kino, Shinwon and Hongseok purely cause I was curious how different the platforms were.

    Maybe cause the more I learn about online relationships I feel uneasy, but after Hongseok called people out for publicy sharing the messages, and feeling like I was forcing Shinwon to respond (cause he's not very active, but loves talking about soccer which I think was fun) it def felt off putting.

    To those who went through a Bubble DM Closure did your artists move to WeVerse as well? What do you think and how do you view the platforms?

    Since I'm saving for something next year, I haven't used the platforms much and have heard from some Universe (Pentagon fans) that they haven't been on it much either. I'm pretty close to deleting WeVerse in general.

    I'm curious if anyone thinks the same way I do about this or if its just me.

    (The Email about Closure).

    Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 6.58.28 PM.png

    Have a great weekend!

    "Respect your efforts, Respect yourself".

    AJ Lai liked my comment ᡣ𐭩 SURL liked my comment ᡣ𐭩 The Credit liked my comment ᡣ𐭩 Chanwoo Bang replied to me. /893__Jung Daehyun liked my comment ᡣ𐭩 Moon Jongup liked my comment ᡣ𐭩 Do Hanse Liked my YT Comment (x2) ᡣ𐭩 Wyatt (ONF) hearted my fanletter (x2), Shinwon (PTG) hearted my fan letter, Hong Eunki hearted my Youtube comment (2024)

    Edited once, last by BebeCarat-0 ().

  • BebeCarat-0

    Changed the title of the thread from “Woolim ENT Bubble Closure. (Who else have experience bubble closure, what do you think of DM private platforms?)” to “WM ENT Bubble Closure. (Who else have experience bubble closure, what do you think of DM private platforms?)”.

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