READ EVERYTHING IN THIS POST if you are planning to participate
This is the thread for tracking your task progress in the Bah Hum-Bingo event!
To refresh yourself on the rules, CLICK HERE.
- Make ONLY ONE post in this thread, and update it when you have new items to add.
- CLICK HERE to generate a bingo card. You may keep generating cards until you get one that you like.
- After you pick your desired bingo card, paste the URL at the top of your tracking post BEFORE you begin tracking your progress. If you fail to do this, your entry WILL NOT count. You CANNOT change your card after you add it to your tracking post, so choose wisely!
- DO NOT mess with other people's bingo cards. It won't affect their progress, but it'll make things more confusing for them and for the staff.
- COPY AND PASTE the code below into a post in this thread to begin tracking your progress. TOGGLE SOURCE CODE MODE before you paste the code, then toggle back out of it source code mode.png
- IGNORE items in the tracking code if they aren't on your bingo card. Your card will have most of the tasks, but not all of them.
- Open your card and click on each square you complete to mark it with an X.
- If you have questions or need help, post in the rules thread or send me or bluetree a DM.
- Have fun!
<p><strong>Bingo card URL</strong>: (paste the URL here)</p>
<p><strong>Leave heart reacts on posts</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URLs here)</li>
<p><strong>Say something nice to other users</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URLs here)</li>
<p><strong>Compliment idols</strong></p>
<li>Male idol (paste the post URLs here)</li>
<li>Female idol (paste the post URL here)</li>
<li>Individual idol (paste the post URL here)</li>
<li>Group (paste the post URL here)</li>
<p><strong>Leave something nice on users' walls</strong></p>
<li>(add their username (no @!) here)</li>
<p><strong>Start a thread about a positive topic</strong></p>
<li>(paste the thread URL here)</li>
<p><strong>Donate akorns to another user or bank</strong></p>
<li>(go to your <a href="">statements page</a> and post a cropped screenshot of the akorn transaction here)</li>
<p><strong>Transfer a badge to another user as a gift</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URL of the staff member stating that it has been transferred)</li>
<p><strong>Participate in other AKP Winter Wonderland 2023 events, contests, or minigames</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URL(s) of participating post(s) here. just choose ONE for each event/contest/minigame)</li>
<p><strong>Make a festive/winter/holiday aesthetic</strong></p>
<li>(add a cropped screenshot of your aesthetic here)</li>
<p><strong>Set your dp to an idol you don't usually use</strong></p>
<li>(add a cropped screenshot of your aesthetic here)</li>
<p><strong>Give a respectful review of a song from an artist you don't usually listen to</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URL here)</li>
<p><strong>Stream a track or MV from an artist you don't usually listen to</strong></p>
<li>(add a cropped screenshot here)</li>
<p><strong>Make 5 positive posts (thread or reply) in one day</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URLs here)</li>
<p><strong>Create a thread with positive news about a group or idol you don't stan</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URL here)</li>
<p><strong>Buy an animated badge</strong></p>
<li>(paste a screenshot of the <a href="">badges page</a> showing your recent purchase here)</li>
<p><strong>Buy a static badge</strong></p>
<li>(paste a screenshot of the <a href="">badges page</a> showing your recent purchase here)</li>
<p><strong>Post in different subforums in one day</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URLs here)</li>
<p><strong>Post in guilds that you aren't the member of</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URLs here)</li>
<p><strong>Have allkill</strong></p>
<li>(add a screenshot of a post of yours showing your username and the AllKill VIP banner here)</li>
<p><strong>Say something nice to an AKP staff member</strong></p>
<li>(paste the post URL here)</li>
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