DeSANTIS = *NO US Navy SEAL* of Approval ; *ELI's COMING* For Him ??? = USA Rep. Eli Crane ; 2023.08.24

  • ... Was Ron DeSantis a (USA) Navy Seal ??? , GOP Hopeful's Remarks Spark Outrage ; 2023.08.24

    DeSantis TV Ad focuses on military career

    in campaign reboot effort ; 2023.07.31

    Observation -->

    USA House Rep. ELI CRANE (AZ) = USA NAVY SEAL (Real Deal) ...

    As amusement , CRANE could phone up DeSANTIS ...

    And play the famous *Three Dog Night* song -->'s+coming+three+dog+night

    ELI's COMING (Crane , For You) ; Three Dog Night ; Year 1975 (Live URL Below)

    (Click) FLARED PANTS = OMG , Searching for my (Click) PAISLEY TIES ...

    I always knew these would come back into style !!! ... :wink:

    ELI CRANE = *Navy Seal* ; USA House Rep. (AZ) ; Info

    Edited 8 times, last by krell ().

  • (Reserved for Feedback Replies , Observations , Information)

    Click for TOP Message this Thread.

    TheHeretic said --> I don't remember (particulars on USN and DeSANTIS).

    A: (Click Here) = Particulars of DeSANTIS and USN (Orlando Sentinel News)

    Can't Wait for DeSANTIS back on the (USA PREZ) Campaign Trail ...

    With *Real Deal* NAVY SEALs chasing him around (???) , shouting -->
    'You're NO SEAL , or JACK KENNEDY either !!!' ... :woow:

    The above URLs explain that DeSANTIS served as a LAWYER advisor

    assigned to a Navy Seal Unit ... Make of that what YOU will.

    Edited 4 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “DeSANTIS = *NO SEAL* of Approval (USA Navy) ; *ELI's COMING* For Him ??? = USA Rep. Eli Crane (AZ) ; 2023.08.24” to “DeSANTIS = *NO SEAL* of Approval (USA Navy) ; *ELI's COMING* For Him ??? = USA Rep. Eli Crane ; 2023.08.24”.
  • Real time and half paying attention(multitasking). DeSantis's Navy Seal remark was interesting in a 'I didn't know he was a Navy Seal' kinda way. If I was paying better attention it would be understood what he specifically said. He was with them Seals by proximity. Doubt he got his flipper wet. XD

    Eli Crane is a weird looking dude. XD

    Three Dog Night MV on National Dog Day. :pepe-grooving:


  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “DeSANTIS = *NO SEAL* of Approval (USA Navy) ; *ELI's COMING* For Him ??? = USA Rep. Eli Crane ; 2023.08.24” to “DeSANTIS = *NO US Navy SEAL* of Approval ; *ELI's COMING* For Him ??? = USA Rep. Eli Crane ; 2023.08.24”.
  • Forgot about John Boehner. I see a pattern ,GOP Assembly leaders are pretty mild in character. Eli Crane must be one of the Freedom caucus members. They did not want to rubber stamp in a Speaker of the House. it got dangerously close to defaulting Pelosi(D) back as speaker of the house. I think it helped the GOP to get out of a rut. Evolution of the GOP out of their complacency toward better representation.

    Still the guy looks weird. XD

  • Forgot about John Boehner ... Eli Crane must be one of the Freedom Caucus members ... Still the guy looks weird. XD

    BOEHNER is doing ($$$) *well paid* D.C. *Lobby* Firm work now ... I regard him as *significantly* smarter than TRUMP ... Yes , CRANE (AZ) is Freedom Caucus member ... They recently *removed* (FC member) Ms. MTGreene (GA) as not 'right wing' conservative enough for them ... It also looks like (FC member) Ms. Boebert (CO) might lose her SEAT via *no* re-election in Year 2024 ... Ms. Boebert is getting divorced too ...

    Edited once, last by krell ().

  • Idk what to make of those two, Ms. MTGreene (GA) and Ms. Boebert (CO). Shock Jocks or two 'to the point' politicians? The later is in the context of the crazy stuff is going on these days. Their belittled and villianized however they do call out the BS when they see it.

  • I don't know what to make of those two, Ms. MTGreene (GA) and Ms. Boebert (CO) ... They do call out the BS when they see it.

    Ms. MTGreene and Ms. Boebert are now *personal enemies* due to friction interaction between them ...

    TURNING POINT (PAC = Charlie Kirk) USA Conference 2023

    At the above URL (Over 7 hours duration) ... You can VIEW both Ms. MTGreene and Ms. Boebert deliver their 'Chatter for MONEY' speeches for Contributions ($$$) to 'Save America' at the TURNING POINT event ... And many others = MyPillow Guy = Mike Lindell , Josh Hawley (USA Senator MO) , *TRUMP* , etc ... Of the two women , Ms. Boebert seems as *less boring* in her speech delivery ... Ms. MTGreene seems as *boring* and repetitive (list of cliches 'trotted out' for the audience) ... Ms. Boebert has an *interesting* POLICE ARREST interaction background -->

    I would describe DeSANTIS as a Freedom Caucus style personality ... This thread is about him , as original topic ... DeSANTIS has the 'gun chatter' working for him now ... About using USA Military *inside* MEXICO to shoot illegal drug dealers (smugglers to USA) there ... This is much as the kind of 'chatter' that comes from Ms. Boebert and Ms. MTGreene , and Freedom Caucus in general (my view).

    Edited 2 times, last by krell ().

  • Freedom Caucus basically are against status quo Washington politics. Example is a Debt Ceiling increase, their not supporting any short term stop gap extensions Politicians always use. Piece meal, Death by a thousand cuts approach. Instead more annual longer term well thought out budgeting. I haven't heard DeSantis on budgetary policies. Could be too much all at once approach he is avoiding.

    DeSantis and Freedom Caucus are similar on America First policies.

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