Update on FIFTY FIFTY case. Mediation Hearing to take place on the 9th

  • "As a result of confirming Star News on the 1st, the 50th Civil Division (C) of the Seoul Central District Court made a decision to refer to mediation on July 31st in relation to the lawsuit filed by 4 members of Fifty Fifty against Attract for an injunction to suspend the validity of the exclusive contract.

    Referral to mediation is a procedure for resolving a lawsuit through mutual understanding between the parties. It is also possible to go through the process of reaching an agreement between the two sides through a mediation date. In this lawsuit, which began with both sides sharply confronting, the court made the primary conclusion to urge an agreement." (translated with google)

    피프티 피프티 소송 조정회부..극적 합의 가능성 열렸다 - 스타뉴스
    피프티 피프티 사태가 조정회부라는 새 국면을 맞이한다. 극적 합의 가능성이 일단 열렸다.1일 스타뉴스 확인 결과, 서울중앙지방법원 제50민사부(다)는 지난 7월 31일 피프티 피프티 멤버 4인이 어트랙트를 상대로 제기한 전속계약 효력정지 가처분 신청 소송과 관련, 조정회부 결정을…

  • didn't see this but they will have a mediation hearing on the 9th

    피프티 피프티·소속사 분쟁 9일 조정 시도...비공개 심리
    그룹 피프티 피프티와 소속사 어트랙트의 전속계약 분쟁 조정기일이 오는 9일로 잡혔다. 3일 법조계에 따르면 서울중앙지법 민사합의50부(박범석 수석부장판사)는 9일 오후 3시 30분 피프티 피프티가 어트랙트를 상대로

  • Clmlrv

    Changed the title of the thread from “Update on FIFTY FIFTY case” to “Update on FIFTY FIFTY case. Mediation Hearing to take place on the 9th”.
  • Any news about siahn faking the original writers signations?

    I heard he could proof that he correctly bought the rights. And it was no fraud but just a formality. Maybe thats why the swedish writer didnt also filled a lawsuit.

    Siahn is probably still a thug tho.

    Last update I see in reddit about this is the swedish songwriter also in process talking with their lawyer about this. Not sure whether it's againts him or to support him. But I don't think they gonna hire a lawyer just to show their support instead just giving their statement in the court. But who knows.

  • Last update I see in reddit about this is the swedish songwriter also in process talking with their lawyer about this. Not sure whether it's againts him or to support him. But I don't think they gonna hire a lawyer just to show their support instead just giving their statement in the court. But who knows.

    Oh interesting. So the swedish songwriter may also get involved. A 4th Party join the fight. Its getin more and more complex. 😱

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