The Fifty Fifty mess might make CSR and H1-Key change their strategies

  • No matter how the Fifty Fifty mess ends, it will never promote in Korea again.

    It seems H1-Key has filled FF's gap in Korea, not that FF had any presence in there to begin with. I did not follow H1 Key in detail, but it seems since its music style is kinda closer to FF's,

    Right now a member of h1-key is participating in the Queendom Puzzle, and it will probably continue its policy of being a staple in Korean events, but aiming for a potential global hit. In the next comeback, it is possible that the Thai member, who was initially there but left after the group showed no promise, might return and if that happens it is now jumping into the global arena.

    Meanwhile it seems CSR is having a shakeup.

    It went to Japan and Europe, and while its Japanese perf had little following, although it had a Japanese member, it was quite well received in its perf at Holland and Belgium although the audience was smaller.

    CSR is actually quite a bit well financed, since it is owned by Com2us, a game company.

    CSR decided to ditch its leader.

    That group was formed around the leader, who was the first to join. Everyone else was selected to prop up the leader, and now it will have a change of the leader.

    The person standing at the center vs the main vocalist, who is the youngest, are vying for the leader position. While some Koreans support the center, virtually all opinion from its few foreign fan supports the vocalist.

    Although the vote seems to be made already (the center would have won at that point), if there is an overwhelming support for the vocalist, who is the only one who can speak English in the lot, they would quickly make another video declaring the vocalist as the leader.

    If that happens it means it is abandoning its Lovelyz/GFriend concept, and would gear towards a Fifty Fifty style of music without the mess. It also has a #1 from Music Bank at its belt, legitimizing them. It might also have member changes but that is something I haven't really researched. Most likely the Japanese member, the member who look like Umji and one or two more might be let go.

    Whether you like or not, the changes brought by Fifty Fifty will last, and Korea will cease to be the main ground for even smaller acts

  • I agree. The members were like front line soldiers in the trenches who broke ranks and surprised everyone with how far into enemy territory they were able to penetrate. Previously, only a handful of special forces units who met requirements were able to penetrate and achieve similar levels of success by being basically airlifted close to enemy base. Their feats, and the medals they received for their valor, will encourage everyone else in their class that it's possible and the enemy is not as impenetrable as they might appear. If not CSR or H1-Key, the precedent has been set so there will be attempts.

    However, after the members complaints about their unfair situation in the unit went unheeded, they requested to be discharged. The generals refused, started calling them traitors so that no other military branch or mercenary force would take them, and decided to make an example out of them. ATP, they're basically threatening to shoot them from the back if they refuse to rejoin the ranks and march forward as part of the unit. This will have a chilling effect for all soldiers who are watching. National laws protecting soldiers mean little if the generals can ignore them.

    And then there's the citizenry living in blissful ignorance while reaping the benefits of the members' service. Rather than being proud or appreciative, they've bought the lies told by the do-nothing generals hook line and sinker and are parroting the national traitor narrative they've uncritically digested. Instead of the members, they are on the side of the generals who will give a speech about all the personal sacrifices they and their mothers made for the nation at their next rank advancement ceremony.

  • H1-Key is nothing like 50-50, other than they are 4 members. The debut concept is totally different. Their hit concept was different.

    CSR is more teen spirit, so that may be the better compaction.

    If the producer survives, maybe he can produce for other groups, that is true, depending on how damaged his reputation ends up, then even established groups could pay for his songs. If his reputation is damaged, then yes, he will only be able to sell his services to nugu companies willing to take a risk.

  • I agree. The members were like front line soldiers in the trenches who broke ranks and surprised everyone with how far into enemy territory they were able to penetrate. Previously, only a handful of special forces units who met requirements were able to penetrate and achieve similar levels of success by being basically airlifted close to enemy base. Their feats, and the medals they received for their valor, will encourage everyone else in their class that it's possible and the enemy is not as impenetrable as they might appear. If not CSR or H1-Key, the precedent has been set so there will be attempts.

    However, after the members complaints about their unfair situation in the unit went unheeded, they requested to be discharged. The generals refused, started calling them traitors so that no other military branch or mercenary force would take them, and decided to make an example out of them. ATP, they're basically threatening to shoot them from the back if they refuse to rejoin the ranks and march forward as part of the unit. This will have a chilling effect for all soldiers who are watching. National laws protecting soldiers mean little if the generals can ignore them.

    And then there's the citizenry living in blissful ignorance while reaping the benefits of the members' service. Rather than being proud or appreciative, they've bought the lies told by the do-nothing generals hook line and sinker and are parroting the national traitor narrative they've uncritically digested. Instead of the members, they are on the side of the generals who will give a speech about all the personal sacrifices they and their mothers made for the nation at their next rank advancement ceremony.

    after the soldiers had achieved unexpected success the two generals went into fight who of them should get more praise for the achievement. their fight ruined the reputation of the unit. now the unit is threatened with disbandment.

    dont write a drama. hold it short. the army dont have time for that. :pepe-firing:

  • I agree. The members were like front line soldiers in the trenches who broke ranks and surprised everyone with how far into enemy territory they were able to penetrate. Previously, only a handful of special forces units who met requirements were able to penetrate and achieve similar levels of success by being basically airlifted close to enemy base. Their feats, and the medals they received for their valor, will encourage everyone else in their class that it's possible and the enemy is not as impenetrable as they might appear. If not CSR or H1-Key, the precedent has been set so there will be attempts.

    However, after the members complaints about their unfair situation in the unit went unheeded, they requested to be discharged. The generals refused, started calling them traitors so that no other military branch or mercenary force would take them, and decided to make an example out of them. ATP, they're basically threatening to shoot them from the back if they refuse to rejoin the ranks and march forward as part of the unit. This will have a chilling effect for all soldiers who are watching. National laws protecting soldiers mean little if the generals can ignore them.

    And then there's the citizenry living in blissful ignorance while reaping the benefits of the members' service. Rather than being proud or appreciative, they've bought the lies told by the do-nothing generals hook line and sinker and are parroting the national traitor narrative they've uncritically digested. Instead of the members, they are on the side of the generals who will give a speech about all the personal sacrifices they and their mothers made for the nation at their next rank advancement ceremony.

    the soldiers allways ask for the best possible equipment and support. but there are so many volunteers eager to fill the ranks under worse conditions. the environment tempts the generals to use them as canon fodder. the citizenry expect soldiers can be easily replaced.

  • H1-Key is nothing like 50-50, other than they are 4 members. The debut concept is totally different. Their hit concept was different.

    CSR is more teen spirit, so that may be the better compaction.

    If the producer survives, maybe he can produce for other groups, that is true, depending on how damaged his reputation ends up, then even established groups could pay for his songs. If his reputation is damaged, then yes, he will only be able to sell his services to nugu companies willing to take a risk.

    Groups re-make their concepts when their current one does not work.

    H1-Key will be more ambitious the next time.

    CSR changing its leader means it will take a new concept. Its owner probably realized that the old concept of GFriend and Lovelyz is now anachronistic, and the girls will be 20 in Korean age next year so no more teen spirit is feasible. It does have a somewhat good vocalist , who also happens to be the only member able to speak some English. If she becomes the leader its music will tilt toward those who work in Europe, given that the Europeans seemed to like their music somewhat.

  • Korea is changing their age system, so the CSR girls will be 19.

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