ANDREW TATE = *15 Vehicles* + *More Assets* (Jewelry) = ($4 MILLION USD) = *Seized* by RO POLICE ; 2023.01.14


    ANDREW TATE: RO POLICE tow (15) Luxury Cars, (Seize) Assets ; 2023.01.14 .=.

    ANDREW TATE = $4 MILLION USD of SUPERCARS loaded onto trucks ; 2023.01.14

    And impounded (SEIZED) by sex trafficking probe cops (RO Special Police).

    Vanity Vehicle Plates = T8JAIL ; T8RAT ; T8RAPE ??? ... :woow:

    Observation -->

    TATE Brothers = *NOT* ROMANIA Citizens ...

    WHY have a *significant* amount of your MONEY (Wealth)

    invested in ASSETS that are *easily* SEIZED by RO POLICE ???

    It would *seem* as the RO COURT SYSTEM is preparing

    for a (future) CRIMINAL COURT TRIAL of the TATE Brothers ...

    I *wonder* if their '2 Female Angel Helpers' (arrested too) ...

    Are *soon* going to *FLIP* on the TATE Brothers ...

    And *implicate* them in HUMAN TRAFFICKING and RAPE ???

    I believe that RO POLICE have now seized around 20 Vehicles

    that are owned by the TATE Brothers ... Plus also

    their PROPERTY (Land) and JEWELRY (Watches , etc).

    ANDREW TATE (plus Brother) = ROMANIA COURT SYSTEM will squeeze them

    for ALL their MONEY and ASSETS ... After that , the TATE Brothers will

    be *SQUEEZED* more , to see if BLOOD will come OUT of a ROCK ??? ... :wink:

    (Fake News) GRETA THUNBERG = Advice for ANDREW TATE -->

    'Be CAREFUL to NOT *Drop* the SOAP in the ROMANIA JAIL' !!! ... :suure:

    Edited 12 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ANDREW TATE = *15 Vehicles* + MORE = ($4 MILLION) = *Seized* by RO POLICE ; 2023.01.14” to “ANDREW TATE = *15 Vehicles* + *More Assets* = ($4 MILLION) = *Seized* by RO POLICE ; 2023.01.14”.
  • I still do not know how this clown got so popular.

  • It is standard when it comes to anti corruption charges.

    They seize all assets and freeze them so they can't be sold.

    RICO Laws (USA) allow for (COURT) *POLICE* ASSETS SEIZURE too.

    Yes , a lot of nations allow for assets seizure of 'ill gotten gains' (wealth)

    from (potential) CRIMINALS by POLICE (COURT System) ... Which is WHY

    that say DRUG SMUGGLERS try and use 'Off Shore Banks' (Bahamas)

    for keeping their NET WORTH *away* from *seizure* by POLICE ...

    Which again , one *wonders* as to WHY that the TATE Brothers ...

    As NOT even ROMANIA Citizens , have a LOT of their MONEY

    'sunk' into *easily* SEIZED ASSETS like vehicles and jewelry

    that are located *inside* ROMANIA.

    Edited once, last by krell ().


    Click for TOP Message this Thread

    Yes, down with (take) their cars ...

    ... The TATE Brothers Vehicles , Land , Jewelry , etc , can be *eventually* assigned

    by the RO COURT to *compensate* the Female *Victims* (webcam workers)

    of the TATE Brothers too ... Which is *why* that I am *guessing* that there

    is *very likely* a (future) CRIMINAL COURT TRIAL of the TATE Brothers

    planned now by the RO COURT SYSTEM ... The TATE Brothers would need

    to be determined as GUILTY of HUMAN TRAFFICKING and RAPE

    *before* that their ASSETS could be *permanently* taken from them.

    And then SOLD OFF for MONEY , which is then used for POLICE INVESTIGATION

    and RO COURT *COSTS* payments , and compensation of Female Victims

    (webcam workers) of the TATE Brothers.

    ... Also , the TATE Brothers can *now* be held in JAIL until July 1, 2023 ...
    As the DIICOT (RO Special Police) continue to investigate the TATE Brothers ...

    And find and *seize* their ASSETS located in ROMANIA ... A *JUDGE* would

    need to *approve* the *extension* of JAIL to say July 1, 2023 ... But , my guess

    is that the RO JUDGE will choose that the TATE Brothers are *not* released

    from JAIL *before* or *during* their very *likely* future CRIMINAL COURT TRIAL

    that takes place in ROMANIA ... The *maximum* PRISON duration for GUILT involving HUMAN TRAFFICKING and RAPE = *10 YEARS* Prison Duration.

    Edited 4 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ANDREW TATE = *15 Vehicles* + *More Assets* = ($4 MILLION) = *Seized* by RO POLICE ; 2023.01.14” to “ANDREW TATE = *15 Vehicles* + *More Assets* (Jewelry) = ($4 MILLION USD) = *Seized* by RO POLICE ; 2023.01.14”.

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