This may sound repetitive, but really don't understand why others think it is a useless metric when Hanteo just added the index to show people the actual value comparison of each album without actually revealing the revenue made. Atleast this way, we can see the comprehensive picture of their album rankings with the consideration of album pricing.
To simplify, we can come to a conclusion that the list provided by Hanteo is the Top Selling Album (revenue) in Hanteo this year, regardless of how many copies each album have sold. And Hanteo has all the data from stores and websites, so they have the right tools & resources to come up with their data. So no, the metric is not useless.
And the list that I made is only an interpretation of the data provided by Hanteo to get the average value. Which is also not useless, cause we can see which albums have the highest value in corresponding to their index and copies sold.
I don’t get the ‘useless’ argument either.