Do people know that performing in Saudi Arabia is different from performing in other countries because concerts in Saudi Arabia are sponsored by the government?

  • I made a separate thread for this because it feels like people are INCAPABLE of BASIC comprehension.

    And I know if I keep commenting on a thread for another group people will turn everything into some vendetta.

    It is okay to love your favs. But what kpop acts are doing right now is if the Republican Party is organizing an event to promote themselves and all the kpop acts are invited to perform and a portion of the profits GO TO THE Republican Party. (Or even democrats if you think they’re equally as guilty) in either case IT’S NOT THE SAME AS JUST PERFORMING ON US SOIL.

    That’s what you guys are saying every time you bring up america to say it’s alright performing in SA 😭😭😭

    Anyway I probably shouldn’t make this thread but I JUST HATE when discussions become so one dimensional because people can never look past their favs.

  • There are always two sides of the medal, or of a... coin

    you know I was watching KCON Saudi Arabia, and people in audience seemed super happy and loving performers, even if some "nugu" groups were performing they just happily cheered for them, chanted, danced, screamed, etc.

    if many people say that women are opressed in SA, then I can tell that those girls which were there in audience had time of their life, and were smiling brightly. Most looked like high school or uni students, and if they were there it means that they wanted to be and experience it on their own, be close to their favs, or just see a KPOP group for the first time in their lifes...

    so even if a coin is a dirty coin, still it means that those 5000 SA people or more were happy on that one day of a year.

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  • To be honest this is a separate discussion. If you think people should still experience cons and other stuff regardless of who is sponsoring it, that’s your prerogative.

    But people keep saying performing in the US is EXACTLY THE SAME as performing in SA 😭 like they’re doing something.

  • To be honest this is a separate discussion. If you think people should still experience cons and other stuff regardless of who is sponsoring it, that’s your prerogative.

    But people keep saying performing in the US is EXACTLY THE SAME as performing in SA 😭 like they’re doing something.

    it's not the same, you are right

    but also it isn't when performing in many other countries

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  • it's not the same, you are right

    but also it isn't when performing in many other countries

    If your argument is everyone should experience cons and shouldn’t be limited because of their government sponsorship tbh that’s a question of morality and I never engage in that because everyone’s morals isn’t gonna be aligned. And we all engage in things that are amoral because duh capitalist societies.

    If your stance is you knowing it’s wrong and still feeling it’s justified because people experience happiness, I understand it regardless of whether I agree with it.

    But like making false equivalency just to belittle the situation is really not it. But AKP and rational thought have never co existed so idk why I’m annoyed lol.

  • If your argument is everyone should experience cons and shouldn’t be limited because of their government sponsorship tbh that’s a question of morality and I never engage in that because everyone’s morals isn’t gonna be aligned. And we all engage in things that are amoral because duh capitalist societies.

    If your stance is you knowing it’s wrong and still feeling it’s justified because people experience happiness, I understand it regardless of whether I agree with it.

    But like making false equivalency just to belittle the situation is really not it. But AKP and rational thought have never co existed so idk why I’m annoyed lol.

    nah I don't want to dig that deep into discussion

    for example look what that CEO did in recent days to Omega X boy group members

    I just mean that there are bad people everywhere, and sometimes normies like me and you don't have the strenght to fight them

    but on the other hand there are also those who stand up, group and kick regime in the ass

    ps: hopefully that will be the case in Iran, you know what I mean if you are following recent news

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    Moved the thread from forum KPOP to forum KPOP.

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