The Guy with The Sunglasses | short story

  • Tried to make a Halloween-like short story.

    The Guy with The Sunglasses

    It is dark and cold outside.

    The only thing that can be heard in the forest, is the wind and her footsteps in the grass.

    Her hands are freezing.

    She regrets not having put on gloves before she left.

    Her lips feel dry.

    When she gets out of the forest, she wants to go home and eat some soup.

    Her stomach rumbles from the thought of soup.

    She wants to get out now.

    Her belly starts hurting.

    So hungry that she feels like eating leaves and grass.

    But she starts thinking about how dirty the grass might be.

    And maybe she will get out of here soon.

    "Patience is important" she whispers to herself.

    Her father used to say that sentence a lot when she was a child.

    Suddenly she sees a dark shadow in front of her.

    When she walks closer to the shadow, she notices a guy standing there staring at an oak tree.

    His hair is black, short and parted in the middle, and he is wearing a pair of sunglasses, a black rain jacket, black pants and black shoes.

    He catches his eyes on her and a big smile appears on his face.

    Something about his smile makes her feel unsettled.

    He walks towards her.

    "I'm so happy to see that I'm not alone here." he tells her.

    "Me too." she says. "But I'm lost. How do I get out?"

    "Well..." his smile disappears. "I don't know. I'm lost too."

    She sighs disappointed.

    "But maybe we can find out together." he says.

    "Maybe, but I hope we'll get out there soon because I'm very hungry."

    "You're hungry?"

    "Yes, I'm so hungry I could eat a whole horse."

    "Well..." he takes a chocolate bar out of his jacket pocket. "This isn't a horse, but maybe you will feel less hungry after eating this."

    He gives it to her.

    A big smile appears on her face.

    "Oh, thank you so much." she says.

    But she looks at the candy bar concerned, wondering if he has put something in it. Something like poison.

    She doesn't want him to know that she finds him suspicious, and she is also too hungry to care.

    She unwraps the paper and takes a bite of it.

    The sweet taste of the chocolate makes her feel joy and satisfaction.

    It doesn't taste strange at all. Only like normal chocolate.

    "You like it?" he asks.

    "Yes." she says with a smile.

    She wishes that she could eat all of it, but she decides to save the rest for later and puts it in her pocket.

    "I guess I'll eat the rest, when I'm out of here."

    "That might be clever."

    Then he starts walking in one direction farther from the oak tree.

    She walks along with him.

    "I thought that oak tree looked pretty, so I couldn't stop staring at it." he says, before he looks at her hands. "Do your hands feel cold?"

    "Yes." she responds.

    "Do you have any gloves?"

    "No, I maybe should have brought them with me."

    He puts his hand in his jacket pocket again and takes out a pair of grey woolen gloves.

    "Would you like to wear mine?" he asks.

    "Yes, thank you." she says and puts them on.

    They are a bit too big for her hands, but her hands feel less cold now.

    "Well... if we get out of here, you may keep the gloves." he says.

    Her cheeks turn pink.

    She has never met a person, who is this kind towards her.

    "By the way," he says "What is your name? Mine is Thomas."

    "Rose." she says.


    She nods.

    "That is a beautiful name." he says. "As beautiful as you."

    Her heart starts fluttering like a bird.

    "What do you find beautiful about me?" she asks.

    "Your face." he says and suddenly his face gets closer to hers. He looks into her eyes. "Your brown eyes remind me of dark chocolate."

    Then he looks at her lips. "Your lips... they..."

    He places his hand on her shoulder and his face gets even more close to hers.

    She can see his eyes behind the sunglasses closing.

    Her heart starts beating so fast as if it is about to explode.

    She plants her lips on his.

    She never expected that her first kiss would be with a friendly stranger in a forest.

    His lips let go of hers. "Wow," he says. "You're a good kisser."

    Her face turns pink as a cherry blossom.

    Then he plants his lips on hers and they kiss again.

    He puts his hands on her waist, grabbing the fabric of her jacket, and the kiss gets more passionate.

    Then his lips let go of hers again and he plants his lips on her neck instead.

    Her heart flutters as she feels the touch of his lips on her neck.

    But suddenly she feels his teeth pricking holes in her neck.

    Her heart beats fast from fear.

    He sucks her blood that are escaping the holes.

    Suddenly his lips are away from her neck.

    He laughs and she sees blood on both his lips and his teeth that had gotten sharper.

    "Your blood tastes sweet." he says.

    She faints in front of him and falls on the grass.

    He carries her bridal style and decides to walk home.

    His home is not very far from here.

    He sees his house in the forest and walks through the front door.

    He then walks to a room without any lamp or window and lays her unconscious body on the ground.

    He takes off her gloves and removes the chocolate bar from her pocket.

    Then he walks out of the room and locks the door.

    He takes a bite of the chocolate bar that is as sweet as her blood.

    Tomorrow night he wants to go outside again and perhaps find someone else to suck the blood of.

    But if he doesn't find anyone, he can just go suck hers instead.

    A huge smile appears on his face from the thought of her sweet blood...

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