Jihyo said she dyed her hair (finally!) and removed all her moles except for her nose mole
She hasn't shown us anything yet because her face needs time to heal from the mole removals. I'm so sad...her moles were so iconic. But I mean, it's her body her choice so I'm happy if she's happy.
But don't be too surprised! She said in a vlive a few months ago that she would like to remove all of her moles except for her nose mole because she just doesn't like them.
Here are the moles she most likely removed:
(she has one under her lips too)
This includes the moles she accentuated during Fancy, Breakthrough and Alcohol Free eras (the very faint ones)
But on a brighter note, she dyed her hair a different color for the first time in 1 year and 3 months! She said it's in the middle of light and dark so I'm thinking of brown. So it's not as vibrant of color as pink or orange but it's still crazy news. She's really had that hairstyle and color for more than a year now. (I'm not complaining though because black bobbed Jihyo is everything and she seems to really like and prefer the shorter hair...I remember when she had the Yes I am Jihyo ASMR video, she said she was desperate to cut her hair lol and she kept cutting it like she didn't want to let it grow too long)