How do I get all my threads deleted?

  • I came here at first thinking this was some advice site for anything Asian but then I was really afraid to read all the replies, I thought I would get attacked for saying I was learning Vietnamese and that I want to live in Vietnam and get settled in and have a Vietnamese girlfriend, I honestly was a little sad because my Grandma is Mexican and I thought I would make her happy by learning Vietnamese and wanting to move to Vietnam and finding someone Vietnamese, and my family in Mexico seems pretty happy with it.

    I really don’t like to disclose what I believe online politically, nor my social values, it really invades my privacy and makes me extremely embarrassed, especially with autism, I fear a bunch of k-pop stans will attack me and think I am one of those people who move to Asia for the wrong reasons, that’s not true, I love Vietnamese culture and language, I mean yea, I want a partner who accepts me for having autism and respects my family from Mexico but that doesn’t mean I am weird or something like that.

    When I posted that other thread, I honestly felt like having a panic attack in real life thanks to autism, this forum gives me too much anxiety, how do I delete all my threads? I have huge regret now and I don’t want to read the replies because some of the people might judge me and think I’m doing Vietnam because I have autism and want a partner who respects me for having autism, when I was working out today, I felt sick to my stomach because of that thread I made, how do I delete all my threads?

    I feel depressed now because of that thread, it was scary and it gave me panic attacks with autism and obsessive compulsive disorder, I just want a partner who respects my family for being Mexican and move to Vietnam? I get triggered easily with autism, please don’t mock me otherwise I will have a huge panic attack.

    I’m scared now, how do I delete the threads? I promise I won’t involve political stuff again, it’s just I have a habit of doing that and I have autism and it ruins my brain, I am scared because everyone on this forum will find out I kind of lean right because I am neurodivergent, I am worried because people on this forum will accuse me of being confused for wanting to move to Vietnam, it’s making me depressed and sad, I know I eat healthy and work out and my family knows what I’ve gone through and doesn’t judge me, but people are mocking me for wanting to move on from my dark past I had online of trolling people and getting in trouble because of it, I really do care about moving on and living in Vietnam and finding someone Vietnamese who cares about my autism, I really do feel deeply ashamed of trolling, I was just lonely and confused, and I felt like moving to Vietnam would get rid of all these problems I was having with my mental health, I’ve been through so much, I hate the card I was dealt, having autism and having to grow up with a conservative Mexican mother who is a Registered Nurse and a Dad who is a househusband and also conservative, it feels so isolating and I feel like moving to Vietnam because of it.

    I don’t know, I just want to do these things and I’m afraid I may have ruined it because of this forum, I feel like crying and becoming depressed again, I feel like I’ve done something wrong, the world can be such a confusing place for autistic people, I wish we didn’t have to involve ourselves in politics or anything like that, sometimes it can be isolating being an ethnic minority like me, being autistic, and having to grow up with these extreme views that I had to get rid of by myself and work out nearly every day and eat healthy to move on from them, I just wanted to live happily, but now I’m scared, all these people on this forum don’t want me to learn Vietnamese because they might think I have an agenda, I just care about family only, nothing else, im just depressed now thanks to this forum, I wish I didn’t go on it because I was doing so good until I got extremely embarrassed by it, how do I move on and delete all my threads? I’m worried and afraid. <3

  • First and foremost, not a single person is going to judge you based on autism. In fact one of my good friends on here is Autistic and one of the smartest people I know. Second, this is a kpop forum based around kpop for the most part with little things here and there. I'm not judging you nor am i going to respond with a huge paragraph.

    But I think for whatever reason your paranoid over nothing. Your post just seemed out of place and kind of threw most people off guard like we didn't know how to take it. It received various reactions for that reason. I'm sure a mod can delete your posts, and even your acct if you follow the steps if you truly want to go. But this is not the best place for any kind of personal advice, imo. There's too many people of various upbringing's and culture, who may not always align with your views.

    We mostly discuss k-pop music, k-dramas, k-culture, some western topics etc. what you may need is a vietnam specific forum or such.

  • Really? That shocked me. In the past, I requested for two of my threads to be deleted both at different times and for different reasons and they agreed and did it right away both times.

  • Really? That shocked me. In the past, I requested for two of my threads to be deleted both at different times and for different reasons and they agreed and did it right away both times.

    From what I know, yes, they do delete threads but for appropiate reasons (thread made by mistake, controversial / uncomfortable topic, etc.) but they do not delete threads just for the sake of it

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