- Some questions I noticed flaws in after the survey was completed, so I decided to disregard them here.
Social Media
- 19% of respondents claim they don't have interest in following their faves on social media.
K-Pop Addiction ["Does K-Pop consume too much of your time?"]
- 22% of respondents claim [YES] they have an addiction to K-Pop
- 52% of respondents claim [MAYBE]
- 25% of respondents claim [NO] they have a relaxed relationship with K-Pop
Spotify v. Youtube
- 46% of respondents claim they listen to K-Pop more often on Youtube.
54% of respondents claim they listen to K-Pop more often on Spotify.
Spotify listeners are more likely to have been listening to K-Pop for longer
K-Pop v. American Pop
- 57% of respondents believe K-Pop is better than American Pop
- 32% of respondents believe K-Pop and American Pop are equal in quality
- 11% of respondents believe American Pop is better than K-Pop
I assumed there would be some kind of correlation between people who preferred American Pop, but the results for "engagement" and "priorities" showed varying answers for each person with this preference.
Values / Priorities in K-Pop [consensus ranking among respondents]
- Vocal / rapping ability [2.36]
- Catchy tunes [2.64]
- Personality [4.32]
- Meaningful Lyrics [4.46]
- Innovative, creative concepts [4.50]
- Dancing skills [4.57]
- Visuals [5.14]
"Akgae Tolerance"
- 29% of respondents claim to have high Akgae tolerance. ["They don't bother me."]
- 50% of respondents claim to have mid level Akgae tolerance. ["It's fine to be an akgae, so long as you're respectful."]
- 21% of respondents claim to have none or limited Akgae tolerance. [It's wrong to be an akgae."]
"How Do You Engage with K-Pop?"
- 57% chose dance practices
- 46% chose vlogs
- 46% chose fancams
- 43% chose interviews
- 14% chose editing videos
Hogwarts Houses
Of the people who answered Q. 15 "What is your Harry Potter House?"
- 23% chose Ravenclaw...
75% Have Mid Level Akgae Tolerance
75% value "Catchy Tunes" most
- 23% chose Hufflepuff...
50% Have Mid level akgae tolerance
50% chose "Catchy Tunes"
- 23% chose Gryffindor...
100% Have Medium level akgae tolerance
50% chose "Innovative / creative concepts"
- 30% chose Slytherin...
40% Have High level akgae tolerance
40% Have Mid Level akgae tolerance
40% chose "Vocal / rapping ability"
40% chose "Catchy tunes"
While other Houses have a 40% - 75% chance of preferring "Catchy tunes," Gryffindors were more likely to value "Concepts"
Ravenclaws have the highest level of similarity to one another
Slytherins make up the biggest population of AKP (although just by 7%)
Hufflepuffs were most likely to write a comment for the survey