Russia’s Retreat in Ukraine Pokes Holes in Putin’s Projection of Force ; 2022.09.11
Russia’s military setbacks may be weakening President Vladimir V. Putin’s reputation at home as a savvy geopolitical strategist.
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But it was unclear how far Russia (PUTIN) — with its cyber, chemical and nuclear arsenals — might be willing to go (?) to halt Ukraine’s momentum, even as the scale of the battlefield setback became clearer and more evidence emerged of disarray inside Russia’s ruling class (Gangster Oligarchs ???).
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This above (QUOTE) , is what I am WONDERING it too ... Just how FAR that PUTIN is willing to go ... I think that one has to WONDER if that PUTIN will use NUCLEAR WEAPONS ATTACK on UKRAINE , to keep himself in power in RUSSIA ... The 'hope' to me , is that PUTIN is literally *killed* by the RUSSIA MILITARY (or someone else somehow) ... But , with the PUTIN = KGB background , just NOT so clear to me that PUTIN will be killed any time soon ... And also , just WHO does REPLACE PUTIN , if that PUTIN is killed ??? ... To me , the NUCLEAR WEAPONS threat of RUSSIA , is now just *NOT ACCEPTABLE* ... By that , I mean that RUSSIA needs to be NUCLEAR DISARMED , in my view ... Which , to do that , it is almost as say RUSSIA would need to *surrender* to NATO nations ... Which , NOT quite seeing that happen either (future RUSSIA surrender to NATO) ... But I think that say POLAND , ESTONIA , and quite a few *other* NATO nations , see it (RUSSIA) exactly that way ... That , as long as RUSSIA exists as a nation with NUCLEAR WEAPONS , they will NEVER BE SAFE ... Which , I tend to *agree* with that viewpoint.
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UKRAINE = COUNTEROFFENSIVE as WAR marks 200 days ; 2022.09.11
(*Never* anticipated that UKRAINE would *still* be fighting as they are)
Ukraine marks Independence Day six months after start of war ; 2022.08.24
(*Never* expected that UKRAINE MILITARY would *still* be FIGHTING against the RUSSIA MILITARY , 6 Months later ... Count me as overall *electric shocked* by it.)
Electric Shock ; f(x) K-pop (Song) ; Year 2012
Moscow (RU) seeks a ‘sense of normal’ amid Ukraine conflict ; 2022.08.24
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IF I was UKRAINE nation , I would *never* stop now to KILL RUSSIANS ...
Always and Forever ... And a number of recent past *High Rank* NATO MILITARY Commanders seem to feel *much* the same way now about RUSSIA (PUTIN) ... Until PUTIN is DEAD , and RUSSIA Nuclear Weapons *cease* to be a THREAT , NATO nations are NEVER SAFE ... The (KALLAS = Female) PM of ESTONIA feels that way about RUSSIA , so does POLAND , that I can figure it out ... I am *with* them ... And , I want (UN) UNITED NATIONS (NYC USA) *gone* in location from USA ... Let some *other* nation host the *FAILED SCUMS* of the UN (my view).