I know it's still early but WJSN is doing very bad on the chart and it's probably not going to change.. They're selling pretty much the same too, views on YT has been unbelievably low. TBH watching the MV, i thought the song was a watered down version of aura aka very subpar. but what make it worst is their live perf, they make tht song fall below subpar and incredibly boring. Their comeback show create no buzz, although i can see MNet spend more budget on them than on mamamoo monologue. I definitely like it better than monologue too. The supposed winner LOONA was also not getting that much benefit from Queendom, still bad charting although they improve still doesn't make any difference. they sell pretty much the same amount of number too, i doubt they're making any money. For a 12 members group, selling 100k is not really profitable. They probably spend a lots of money on maintenance too. Loona would be a lots more successful and profitable if some of the members leave the group. Overall, i think flip that is just a very bad imitation of OMG Dolphin. The flip that that that that that that that that was very similar to dolphin lol.