Do you think the current events would change the attitude of the younger generation when it comes to voting and politics?

  • Old people, especially old conservative people don’t joke with votes.


    The voters turnout with the past presidential election in America was 76% among people aged 65+ and 51.4% among the ages 18-24…and it’s even lower when it comes to voting for state representatives and congress.

    This leads to old people, especially fundamental conservative people getting seats and make decisions for a whole nation being completely out of touch with what the majority wants.

    On top of that I have the feeling that the younger generation doesn’t even know how to have proper demonstrations and protests or even debates. Many end up violent or people just insulting each other, making it counterproductive.

  • Yes. Definitely. I think during the presidential elections here in the US a surge of young people voted against Trump, and are the reason that he didn't make it

    So what I'm saying is that they need a common goal, and I feel like women's rights is a solid one

    People underestimate how having a common goal at once can do wonders instead of fighting different fights at the same time. Unfortunately many only realize this after a disaster happened.

  • I think a lot of young people are discouraged because of our lack of solid options. Voting third party would be fruitless, as not enough people would do it, so we're stuck choosing between Trump and Biden, which many of us tend to dislike both. We just choose the "lesser of two evils". Many young voters still feel as though their vote doesn't matter...

  • I think a lot of young people are discouraged because of our lack of solid options. Voting third party would be fruitless, as not enough people would do it, so we're stuck choosing between Trump and Biden, which many of us tend to dislike both. We just choose the "lesser of two evils". Many young voters still feel as though their vote doesn't matter...

    It does matter we shouldn’t forget that, but I see the issue with the lack of options. That’s the curse of having two big parties.

  • One thing I will say is that that Republicans as a whole are way more organised and unified than Democrats.

    The left tends to eat itself. I wish more people were self aware and organised in voting. It sucks that old, prehistoric fucks are deciding the future for younger generations. Young people need to turn out, if you don’t vote, you are not allowed to complain

    The left is fighting to many fights and tbh sometimes even unnecessary fights. Many people feel like democrats don’t care about their concerns and the “ No compromise “ approach is clearly backfiring. And on top of that pretty unorganized.

  • Yes I think it will increase the younger voter turnout to some degree since recent events are seen by some as a domino effect that will lead to other rights being taken away.

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