Freddie235X Elite Star

  • Member since Mar 22nd 2021
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  • Oppa. Where u at?

  • lighter_red_hearts.giflighter_red_hearts.gif

    • See whos here ~

      Doing good?

    • doing great oppa :saint: working my butt off to become somebody! :teeheek: i'm leaving again today but i'll be back at times like this to say hi. I'll have more time to be here more often in the spring. I hope everything's great with you, i'm glad you're still around and hopefully it will still be the case in 2023 :pleading: In the mean time, you get a :* take good care of yourself, you're my akp buddy :finger-heart:

    • Great~ try not to let your butt falls off i believe she's pretty and you can't do hip hip hip if that happens.

      Been busy with my stuffs too lately check in here from time to time. Unless I pop things out deemed wtf x 3 here got kicked out , I would be around.

      Dont bully your teachers . I think you will get what you want :clown:

  • New thread oppa :-)

    you've been kinda quiet in the forum these days!

    Everything ok? :pleading:

    • Been busy lately at work. Good days bad days that's what I got on selling things.

      Are you dropping by AKP some time later? I know you don't really like to make real friends on internet, at least in here. :eyes:

  • Hi!

  • Pls donate your akorns

    • where would i donate to and why?

    • I need akorns because I want my guild to have a emblem :pepeflushed:

    • ok, 300 on their way.

    • Yayy! Tysm

  • oppa! do you like the "revised" guild border? Any better for you?

    • Yeah pretty good, mmld words spinning on top is now visible. Jooe and other girls will be happy to see that.

      How's double shift life lately?

    • i'm exhausted, ngl. I was just about to fall asleep in fact. I'll be here this weekend oppa :finger-heart: thanks for the feedback!

    • They must have paid you good for that :clown: ..they'd better X(

      Watched some dua lipa vids lately, she's lovely tho..and so are you punky~

    • I don't get paid extra, its a professional opportunity I couldn't refuse

      yes, Dua's my western Queen, you guessed it! I'm impressed!

    • ok you be a jedi after that, sounds good.

      but dua's collab with elton john is ehhh... dont know how to put it :|

  • it would be very kind of you if you could suport the badge-petition for the Japanese group JO1, even if you don't interact with anything at the end, just give me your name on the list by buying it and I'm happy, thank you in advance

  • new thread oppa, all that scrolling down makes me dizzy! lmaoo

    anyhow, bed time for me! Nite nite! :*

    • @@@f38c31c1-2b70-4e18-b1a4-bc7ea3a29454@@@ little punk :joy: :)

    • hows your morning newlywed punky? 8o

    • heavenly! :-P thanks for asking oppa! 8) I'm working evening today so i get to chill a lil' this morning! :S

    • sounds good

      i posted a thread last night 7/10 thought me a weirdo and then mod closed it up :(

    • omg really? what was it about? i mean, you push it at times :-P but i'm curious

  • Freddie (do I call you that?), I still remember the days when you got no dp and I would also see your threads in the food section but loving your tzuyu dp...

    Btw, Nyaz is gone.... I'm so sad...

    • Sure you can cutie

      yea shes gone, what a naughty chic. do you miss her?

    • thanks freddie

      Nyaz was a naughty chic? Yeah, ofc Nyaz is so sweet, wbu?

    • naughty chic? :teeheek: that's one i hadn't heard in a while! :merongk:

    • Happy to hear that again?

  • Always pleasure. hope you are doing good with job and life. DM me~

  • Hello my friend!

    Apology, had a very busy couple of weeks, hard at work. Are you doing okay? I've been hearing that China is sniffing your bottom wanting an in or to take over? Pray hope Biden and his administration can fend them off.
    I need to spend some time learning this new not like it. I truly miss our conversations and postings..Cheers for now!!

  • Hi, Freddie.

    Can you give me akorns, please?

    Thanks! <3