Posts by hottestg
Maybe the fan cam camera was only following a few members per group in first place.
as international fans, we love drama. So if something is a controversy in kOREA only, we will jump onboard.
Kpop drama is super tame compared Cpop or Jpop drama.
Regarding why its a controversy in Korea, i think Knets or puplic will literary boycott things if tv companies dont remove idols from shows or commercials. Knets compared to other industries have more power to impact an idol.
To be honest, i would not have bother looking up step back lyrics if i didnt see people complain about it lol.
I think it would of been the same for majority of people unless you are a fan of one of the girls
well i don't understand why considering that the song doesn't adress to all the women if it was the case i would agree with you
but it's adressed to a certain type of women
and a song can still empower women by adressing to certain women and not all women, no ?
i'm not a girl so i don't know, but personnally i find that there's still a "empowering" message behind it
because i know a lot of girls had to face this type of situation and had to watch quietly on the side girls flirting with their men without standing up by fear of being categorize as an overly jealous girls, or a crazy girls who imagine something who isn't true or people telling them that if they think this is because they lack of confidence in themselves
so i find that the song is still empowering some women by telling them that if it's happening to them they shouldn't be afraid to confront the girl and stand up for what they want, no ?
Despite that, i get what you are saying. No one has any sympathy for the girl trying to take your man. but out of all the topics lyrics they could of had, why do with something attacking another woman. Thats what the people complaining are focused on. as someone else said in the thread, i think people expected a female empowering song, for all women. And and instead its a song putting a woman down (even if it deserving).
Kpop fan time scale.
Stage 1 Newbie- Discovery.
You obsessively listen to alot of kpop songs and groups. Chose multiple groups as favorites and watch as much variety shows/clips as you can. Have multiple bias.
Stage 2 fan - Ultimate Bias-
you settle on one group and 1 or 2 idols to be your ultimate bias. You listen to other groups songs here and there but you mainly only follow your Bias group in detail.
you mainly only care about your bias group comebacks. But still comment on the scandals or controversies. Causally listen to new kpop songs and groups but will never stan a new group.
Stage 4. Casual fan .
You only check in to kpop now and then. dont really bother with variety shows. stop caring about new groups or their songs. Keep listening to old kpop songs. Your bias group is probably on long hiatus or disbanded/focusing on solo projects. The time spent on kpop is regarding any controversy.
Stage 5- Ghost.
You rarely check in with Kpop. But when you do you never interact on forums. Just a lurker. Still has that old kpop song in your playlist.
While i personally dont care. Its not a big deal.
they way thestep back lyrics puts down the other woman,( even if they were flirting with their man) was a little off putting.
It had an air of "you are below us as a human being". you are trash(implied whore).
While i have no love for whores, its does not fit the empowering women vibe people were hoping for.
If you break down Blackpink how you like that lyrics, eve thought it says "look at me , now look at you" Which gives the same vibe as step back, its done much more in a subtle way and lyrics more focused on empowering yourself. Step back just about trampling someone lol.
The lyrics for step back could of been better with sticking to the same theme.
Well Damn.
i guess they wont ever be promoting outside japan, china, and korea then.
The way she thought she bribed the manager and that he was going to go along with her story and slam the other girl, the way she introduced him, said she didn't come here with just empty words but with witnesses and evidence and then he was like, you thought, b! And she had the nerve to leave during his speech.
I wish i was in the room when it happened. the drama! the spice
never though i would end up saying i prefer SuperM music.
Jopping was atleast catchy and everyone killed their parts
i heard of it before. i think someone brought it up during the t-ara scandal.
If it was not for that manager having a conscience, everyone would of thought the bully was the victim
While they can dance and rap, and sing.
That song was terrible.
I usually find some point of a song enjoyable or catchy. But this is one of the few Kpop songs that completely fell short.
I think maybe singing was too high too? It was very scratchy to my ears.
The level of delusion some of the posts on this website is concerning.
Like breaking down idols relationships and posting about their inner dialouge. LOL.
that hurt my ears
I was more offended with the crappy performance tbh.
but the lyrics kind of exposed his hate for women.
Might a swell change the thread title to - Israel and palatine debate.
my opinion. doing the same thing again and again expecting change is madness. people have been born, lived and died during this conflict. My opinion has always been that Israel is never going disappear so focusing on how Palestinians lost its land doesn't matter at this point. And Israel cant expect any real progress if they keep ignoring the UN about building settlements illegal in west bank/ demolishing Palestinian settlements. Been trying to stop the rocket attacks and Hamas for decades, the approach isnt working. Just leading to more civilian deaths.