Posts by AyanEva

    Honestly, that's how I feel. With no real developments and nothing substantial all this bickering and opinionated views by people and conspiracy theorists have bored me.

    Unless our kind ItsActuallyMe posts I really don't care anymore. I stand by my thoughts that both sides are wrong, and gross and greedy. I just want to know what comes of this and i'm sure we will how long that takes is the question.

    Right now, the thread is just a bunch of people posting assumptions and feelings as facts. lol

    Fairly sure neither side has shown all their cards yet because that would be stupid. Or one side is waiting for the other to blink first. The longer this goes on, though, the less I care. Rich people with egos being mad at each other. One is a narcissist and the other is a toddler.

    Found them oneday on TikTok when they apeared on the accounts of some groups I follow, since they danced together and looked them up. I was also kind of speechless when I noticed they literally have a member who looks and sounds like a Japanese version of BTS-V

    I'm watching for them because Gaku and Haku (Hikaru) were &Audition contestants and I'm very fond of them. We thought Gaku would make &TEAM but it came down to the special producers vote and Fuma just edged him out on scoring. A lot of people assumed Gaku was safe and fan voting was for only the very last round so many of us voted for members we thought were absolutely needed.

    I-fans voted based on vocal and dance skills that would best compliment the debut members (EJ, K, Taki, and Nicho) and J-fans voted based on skills and visuals that would compliment the debut members. Gaku is so talented but his skills were duplicated in existing debut members already, so his fan votes ended up lower than expected and it came down to the special producer vote, which was based solely off of those finale stages. Fuma was able to make himself stand out more so he received a higher special producer score.

    It's funny because the tracks that most other non-Luné like are usually the tracks that Luné like the least. 😆 Like War Cry caught the ear of non-Luné but Luné were like, "I mean it's OK but Firework was better."

    no worries. I'm not complaining. i'm not gonna go around the internet making a big stink about it. The song is actually pretty damn good. But I do hear the beginning of wake up in that song. And I know for a fact that Ateez doesn't do samples. Edenary and Hongjoong do all the work which i believe they may sample bits and pieces like they did for their wonderland performance on kingdom but they are unique in that aspect that they do everything themselves. I think the only people who are gonna make this into some big deal are the loud atiny's tbh, you know those bad apples in every fandom.

    this is not as bad as soyeon's song from wave that's for sure.

    edit: what i mean by samples is that ateez doesn't give THEIR stuff out to others. So there's no way people can obtain their full songs.

    Lemme go check Twitter and see if it's becoming a thing. Luné can't really defend ourselves or &TEAM very well because there's like 10 of us, so we usually act like those fainting goats instead. You know, where if you scare them, they freeze and fall over and hope the scary thing just goes away eventually. 😂😭

    support our nugu's who keep getting stolen from

    stream guerrilla to break the walls

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    in before hybe stans start attacking atiny for calling this very obvious shit out

    Hybe stans don't care about &TEAM, so it's just us Luné and we're too smol to attack anyone. 🥺

    Can they just get a mediator? I know jack shit about Korean law but I think MHJ makes a valid case for the injunction. That leaves Hybe and her at a bit of a stalemate...

    In other news, stream &TEAM.

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    there's a solution to alll the extra albums people buy

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    make a storage box!

    That's actually so cute!

    I like me some shrimp and stuff...but i wouldn't wanna do all that dirty work no thanks. :P

    I usually get ones without heads but I got the ones with heads this time solely because i thought it would be interesting to chop them off. Like in a science experiment way, not a serial killer way. Instead I got stabbed in the finger. 🫠 I enjoy the prep work of cooking. I find it satisfying and therapeutic. I'll do everything by hand even though it takes longer.