Posts by xwhisperx
Nope, never really planned to...
But users I'm fond of are still here so that's nice.
Depends, I went to a girls school from 11 to 16...
Back then, there were girls that had advanced in puberty at the age of 12/13 they acted like they were more mature cause their bodies had developed faster so they ignore the flat chested ones, but they would take not of who had waht especially when we changed for P.E. I Hated it. My boobs kicked at 13 but I use to bind them so no one would notice, cause they came in quite fast... Eventually I stopped caring, and got through all the 'oh my god, why your boobs big bullshit'
Generally most women don't think about it, its usually a passing thought, if you see boobs it kinda like a quick wow they're big Then you move on.
You're more likely just the hear each side complaining about wanting what the other side has.
As for what you said in the Op. What kinda guys do you know that know how big their friends dicks are in order to respect them for it?... That's a weird thing...
Men I know aren't too bothered about other people dicks...
Nope, veins look weird especially bulgy ones.
7+ years being here.. No.
I'd like to keep it that way.
I mean when we're they not....
Lol its fine. Seulgi was only bagde I wanted that was there, or else I would have been SHINee badge, 12 years of being a shawol.
No one ever really remembers me, but I see all.. I'm like the old akp historian, not really social but I take note of things and certain users, it's quite interesting observing fandom Culture from time to time.
... Sigh ... Warnings are gonna be handed out like candies, especially cause alot of kids dont read rules... They might need a week to adjust.. Or maybe to just read them lol
Mods won't be pussy footing around with them hopefully, or else then what was the point of a revamp....
Still jhope hasn't changed since debut....
Close is suga tho.
Ooo.. thank you for this.
Not directly face to face, just been to concerts.
I found something but it might be long to read through, dated from..Feb last year. Might be helpful...…x-albums-and-songs-sales/
Tltr. It basically says the the estimated 50 million doesn't just encompass physical & digital sales but also other things.
So it's not pure sales (digital and physical copies) alone.
But again I don't know this person, so i don't know their legitimacy with sales and what not.
Hopefully it's helpful.
Yeah, but it's ridiculous to estimate 50M starting from a base of at most 10M (and that's extremely generous, as I'm 99% sure they haven't sold ~7.8M outside of the UK).
While wikipedia is unreliable, there's also no articles on Google showing any sort of statistics or proof that they've even sold more than 5M or 10M.
Like I can't find one single source for it.
Honestly don't know, never focused on sales and stuff, it's never been in my interest but most articles about artists or bios generously estimate or over hype the artist, it just what most media does.
UK doesn't really care too much about numbers but I think you have to go to official disturbitor and labels to get the real statistical sells information. It would be much easier to find possibly if you live in the UK
Makes me wonder if people know what fox eyes actually look like hence the name...
Although I find it weird to automatically relate somethings to being racist though without context.
The key word would be 'estimated' as in its a round up guess and album sales are continuous (as in people still are buying them) so some are still being counted. (this goes for all artists in general) Outside sales are unstated so that will factor into the estimate.
Language is key it didn't say officially sold.
Also for a album to be certified as platinum. You have to sell atleast 1 million copies, so I think they have a few platinum certifications there but I don't know really, this includes streams now I think. But there isn't much verification on what type of sales in The charts you put up..if its physical sales then the chart makes sense, no one really buys physicals here much.
Also remember anyone can edit wiki it's not the most trusted source.