What’s wrong with thirsting from up close? 🤔
Posts by YourDeadLover
I choose the delusions, thanks
Lmao, a little delusion doesn’t kill right
It’s certainly more fun that way
I’m not sure what that is honestly. Is that currency to buy cosmetics and stuff?
Oh, there it is like clockwork. To keep up the theme of utilizing sports analogies, why is it that you company stans always use the same plays from the same playbook? Mix it up. Draw up a play we haven't seen before, for once.
There isnt a more obvious sign that you're dealing with a company simp than the simp in question backpedaling and denying they stan giant corporations after making explicitly pro giant corporation arguments.
You waltzed into this thread to protest about contracts you quite literally know nothing about, like a true company bootlicker.
Or did you want me to play along and have a nudge nudge wink wink moment with you, so we can try to sell the concept that you're not another belligerent company apologist who thinks they know more about the nuances of NJZ's contracts than the members and their legal team?
Yeah, you're toooootally just here to see both sides of the argument. Company stan? When you introduced yourself with such a balanced and fair assessment of the situation, calling NJZ and their team names and declaring others stupid, when you didn't even understand it was HYBE that filed the lawsuit and not NJZ, I don't know how anyone could accuse you of being a company stan.
This is why you were greeted with open hostility. You came in here with a bone-chilling artic cold take, and once you got challenged to prove your take wasn't extracted from the Arctic tundra, you said absolutely nothing to prove otherwise.
The projection is cute, and I'm flattered you think the relatively basic language I'm using is some ego-fueled attempt to weaponize my lexicon, but how about you spend less time introducing us to your inferiority complex and more time detailing how NJZ are stupid for lawfully terminating a contract? I'll take the compliment though, ill-intentioned or not.
You said there were no examples of mistreatment; I gave several. You said the contract was still valid; you gave nothing to support that.
This isn't reddit, and this isn't the main site where you HYBE bots have brigaded the comments section into an echo chamber filled with enough toxic energy to make a 4chan lifer proud.
I've given resources and sound reasoning to support my stance on this, and I don't have to pretend I'm a subject matter expert on Korean entertainment contracts to make my arguments.
I think you should take your own advice and go outside to talk to real people. Go talk to salaried employees at large corporations and make these same arguments and watch them laugh at how much you're willing to bend over for your corporate overlords. Then go talk to people and watch the strange looks you'll get for the opinion that 5 young girls should be trapped in a contract and forced to stay at a business they believe has mistreated them and doesn't have their best interests at heart.
If I remember you exist, after NJZ start dropping new music and promo, free of HYBE, I'll tag you.
This is your issue.You’re on debate mode making all types of assumptions about who and what I support of off me simply expressing skepticism about the situation.
I don’t go on the internet pretending I got all the answers and know everything, I just speak my mind and log off.
You’re coming at me hella aggressive making personal attacks and shit like i’m one of those reddit users you spend all day arguing with.
I don’t use reddit nor do I give enough fucks to have pseudo intellectual debates on there unlike yourself.
If anything , I want NJZ to succeed they were and still are one of my favourite groups so far.
You’ve got some misdirected anger towards me my heart and all I did was match your energy. Take a chill pill and let it play out.
You getting all worked up over this isn’t going to help them in the slightest I promise.
The fact you’re even getting that triggered over what I said is really odd, I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but i’m not the one you’re after.
You might find that person on reddit though.🫰
No amount of reading would expunge the festering stupidity littered throughout your rancid shit post. You really thought you introduced talking points that haven't been summarily dismantled and dismissed countless times by people who actually understand the fundamentals of this legal war? Please.
You're just another company simp trying to masquerade as an expert on litigation and Korean contracts, when it's clear you don't know a damn thing about what you're talking about. Let me demonstrate.
What pointless word vomit. If you want to shout at the clouds about the evils of the idol industry, be my guest. That has nothing to do with the specific case of NJZ vs. HYBE, and why NJZ have lawfully terminated their contract due to multiple instances of HYBE breaching and destroying their trust in them.
There is a solid track record. HYBE have handed them multiple avenues to demonstrably show that trust has been eroded by their own ridiculous media play, leaking of personal information, internal reports discussing the abandonment of the group, contacting media outlets to downplay their achievements and a whole host of other major infractions that arguably individually would be enough to validate NJZ's decision to terminate their exclusive contract
Unlike MHJ, who won her injunction due to HYBE ironically having nothing substantial to prove their accusations, NJZ have hard evidence and proof on their side.
Oh, that's strange, because last I checked, they have literally left the HYBE facilities, and all their staff resigned with them. In the coming weeks, we will hear about the new agency they're signed to. There is no contract that binds them because it has been terminated. This is very simple and basic stuff here.
HYBE are the ones in the position MHJ found herself in, having to involve the court to dispute the decision. Kind of ironic, isn't it?
But keep talking about how NJZ are bound by that dead contract, while they continue to receive new brand deals, all of whom are now tagging their new IG account and calling them NJZ, while they release new music and perform at a giant music festival next month.
Stop coping and stop caping for a company being buried under the weight of their own negative karma. HYBE had this coming, and they know they're screwed.
This is a hilarious question when you're the idiot who doesn't realize HYBE is the one filing the lawsuits. The entire novelty of NJZ's strategy, and why HYBE and their corrupt organizations are panicking about the maneuver, is precisely because NewJeans DIDN'T sue or file an injunction. They exercised their right to terminate.
Don't question anyone's intelligence when you again prove you don't understand even the fundamental basics of this dispute.
They have LEFT the company, are likely already signed to a new company and will be showcasing new music literally next month.
But noted. I'll make sure to tag you to this thread when their new music drops, so I can see you bloviating unintelligibly about dead contracts binding them and preventing them from releasing new music.
Go back to reddit.
You’re getting so emotional over this it’s hilarious. Why would I simp for a company I have no links to, I couldn’t care less who’s signed to who i’m here for the music man.
Also, I like this back and forth and although it seems like you’re way too emotionally invested in this whole drama it’s interesting to see the other side of the coin. You swear they’re doing all the right things and that it’s all HYBE’s fault, and I think they made a mistake following Min Hee Jin in her clusterfuck of decisions.
You love using big words to swell up your own ego and convince yourself that what you’re saying makes sense and i’m happy you found your internet outlet to do that.
When it’s all said and done, go ahead and tag me babe.I might still be waiting. You keep mentioning reddit so I suppose that’s where all your pent up frustration comes from. I just want to let you know it’s okay to go outside and interact with real people sometimes. Debating on reddit is turning your heart bitter and nasty ❤️.
There is plenty of proof of HYBE's mistreatment and you'd have to be cognitively challenged to claim otherwise or have a taste for company boot.
Save this ignorant rhetoric for reddit, where it belongs. Echoing the perpetually uninformed and intentionally unintelligent viewpoints of patrik is not the mic drop you think it is.
HYBE is the party that breached the contract, and NJZ terminated accordingly.
It amazes me how many people are obsessed with being on the wrong side of history.
NJZ are never going back, and the court cases will have zero impact on their ability to release new music; they are ONLY to determine if they need to pay penalty fees ultimately.
First of all, try reading what I said again using your brain this time and not your ass.
The industry is corrupt and virtually every idol is abused in some type of way.Am I trying to justify it, absolutely not, it just is what it is , they’re not special in that regard. I never denied they were abused, the court system is about what can be proved whether its the truth or not. I said they need a track record and a solid one at that in order to justify breaching the contract.
You’re saying NJZ are never going back and you’re right because they never left. They’re trying to leave but are bound by their contracts. NJZ claims HYBE allegedly told ILLIT members to ignore them & they also refused to re-instate Min Hee Jin as CEO. Outside of those claims theres what?Nothing. Does that sound like a contract breach to you or more like a disgruntled group trying to find loopholes to escape their contract?
They’re suing the company that funded them, in what world would that not affect new music releases, are you dumb or stupid?
This claim that they have been "treated like shit and intentionally harm their careers" is just noncence and stupid. 99 % of the girl groups would loved to get the NJ threatment and get their success. They where so bad treated by the company that they got great sucess, stars and richer that most people. Wow what a bad treatment. Sure, nothing is perfect, but that is just how worklife is, sometimes you maybe feel a bit "misstreated" by your employeer or conflict over some issues when you and your employeer don't agree. I mean everone that have worked for a couple of years know that.
And it also takes a lot of "treated them as shit" to be a reason to contract cancelation and even harder to prove that in a court. But sure, maybe the court will be under pressure from the public to support the group and they have some kind of victory, nothing is impossible. But I would never see a less famous group being able to win in court, if they win it is just because the public attention on the case.
Like you said, unless they have a solid track record of all the "mistreatment" the case will get dropped for lack of evidence. It's a shit show, they claim they're free to leave the company because Hybe breached their end of the contract which we have no proof of so far.
Then they go and publicly breach their own contract by opening & running their own instagram page. They're going on interviews now telling people they've rebranded to "NJZ" now that they've left their "old company". They're still signed to said company. Public sympathy won't do much for them on a legal level...
It sucks man, their impact on the industry was unprecedented for a group that fresh.
Have they deluded themselves in to thinking that they are real singers that can sing well and people care for their music? That's some strong delusion.
Cmon man, they've been in the dungeon forever and dropped a whooping 32 songs over 7 years.
Imagine you gotta shit but you're only allowed to shit in small little nuggets over several years. You gotta hold it in the meantime.
That's probably what it felt like to them, and now they just want to shit freely,
Let my girls shit please. 👍
I think it's just a result of the companies realizing that looks outsell talent. If you take a bunch of extremely attractive but average performers and you match them versus average looking but amazing performers, first option wins in Kpop.
So the emphasis shifted from extreme training then small procedures to drastic procedures and more lax training.
I think Le Sserafim, Aespa & ILLIT are good examples of that and why it works.
You know I think in situation like these it's interesting when you flip and ask yourself : Would your bias date you?
Like for real, try and think about it. Culturally only a certain demographic of people could even run the chance to do that.
Then you gotta consider sexual orientation, social status & etc.
Honestly, i'm gonna say flop. Especially for a debut.
Music video is good.
Can't speak much on the choreography just from the MV but it looks lackluster. ( low energy & not very sharp)
Music production is well executed but boring, it feels like i've heard that song 100 times before.
Ima give it a solid 5/10 👍