Posts by Moonlight94
I couldn't if it was similar to this case. The family have never been apologetic, have claimed to be victims, have never denounced his behaviour, who has done this twice and shown no remorse, they continue to live off the money because they don't have much of a career from what I have seen, always minor roles that definitely wouldn't give them the money they need to live how they do.
They're living on blood money and I just couldn't be with someone who has such terrible character. -
Complete douchebag yes. Incel no.
I am a bit nervous that Hybe are going to change groups sounds to be more in line with the Hybe sound. There's a reason I don't listen to any Hybe group. I don't like their sound and I don't want to lose the groups I love to that sound lol.
But nothing fans can do but sit back and wait to see how it all plays out.
That means an album shouldn't be too long before or too long afterwards. Sounds fun.
Aww that's so sweet! Congrats to him!
A connection is where you get "married" to someone on here you can customize it and it also it pops on your profile!
Oh. That's a bit weird. I've never heard of this before and I don't think it's something I would be interested in.
What's a connection?
I feel for any idol who gets alternate service from now on. People are going to give them a harsher look because of this. Even for idols with well known injuries like Kai who has a back/waist injury and regularly goes to hospital for treatment.
I wonder if more idols are going to pull a GD and insist to serve regardless of their injuries just so they don't face backlash.
NGL, I was kinda confused when Ravi got public service because he's never seemed to have any issues that would mean he can't fulfil regular service. But then again I don't follow him closely and only know like two songs tbh.
It really is going to be over for a lot of idols if their names are released and it's confirmed...
Shownu, hopefully we can have a 6 member comeback before Kihyun and Minhyuk have to enlist (even though it might be cutting it a bit close).
Baekhyun, looking forward to an 8 or maybe 9 member comeback and activities before Kai and Sehun have to go.
Taemin, SHINee's enlistment period is over once Taem's back so it's going to be awesome to see what they do and the solos/group activities that are going to come.
Happy Birthday DO!! One of the most all-rounders out there.
I think there are factions in every fandom that will riot if their faves started dating because most kpop groups play into the fans boyfriend/girlfriend trope and some weird fans take it for reality...
It's sad. Idols should be able to date and live happily without the fear that their fans will turn on them and hate them for finding love with someone...
didn't like SOME (if i recall it was 12) fans of chen boycotted him and even destroyed their copies of his albums and other merch and whatnot because he had a son
Sehun might not be enlisted by June. They usually have around 6 months after their birthdays unless called up earlier. And certain enlistment types have different enlistment rules like Public Service intakes aren't as regular as main service so Kai might have some time as well.
Plus in SM's world, "World Tours" are Korea, Japan, and a few other countries around that area lol.