Posts by RikoBee
scooter is a piece of utter shit but if he's secured a Grammy for the boys, might have to stan for a bit.
I think we all need to remember that they did 7 shows and made 200 mill. No artists today can boast that, save maybe Beyonce, Taylor or Ed lol.
The Grammys honestly have no relevance or importance anymore, it's an outdated racist,misogynistic institution that will jump to reward those who pay to play, you wonder why billboard was spitting mad that all the money BTS make is not going into American radio and labels, but instead back into a Korean multi-billion conglomerate that's about to take over in the next decade. And Bangtan doesn't pay to play, they buy out entire labels and media entities and create an entire new seat at an entire new table. Nothing short of incredible.
They probably won't win, but who honestly cares lol, they're about to have so much fun doing 4 concerts and then there's new music and tours coming up. I can't wait to see them at Allegiant. Bet a lot of celebs will be there! Especially the ones who've got residencies. And Steve aoki is doing shows there so I hope we get mic drop!
I'm sure the grammys removed the requirement that you can only perform the song you were nominated for.
So it might be the butter going into a PTD dancebreak? Or the remix with Megan cos she'll be there too. I'd love for them to do the dyna/butter mashup that they do on Thursday, it's so awesome to watch!
And if Silksonic are opening then bangtan must be closing cos they want the views so they'll probably have given them some extra minutes?
Baby Bunny is a whole ass HOE lol. Hes so fun on insta, just a regular guy who is very very charming. Its nice to see!
Imma need Jimmy to stop being so mature and maybe boo'd up and give us the lip biting, tongue-licking, eye fucking superstar that is Park Jimins Vlives. Boy needs to get on the app pronto.
Or maybe they needed access to it for whatever reason? There's no reason in hell they wouldn't want or deserve a higher percentage of shares. Ariana and Bieber got shares worth about 10 mill each I think when Hybe bought ithaca, yet the reason that Hybe is even what it is today only got about 10 million more than them? It's ridiculous and the company will always deserved to be called out for it.
And I bet the new contract they signed only came into effect after the first one ended in 2020 right? So they might only be actually making the proper money they deserve now, overseas tours is where they'll make the bulk, between 70-80% of profits i think.
No hate, I just want them to leave the game with a hundred mill each to their name at the very least, they fully deserve it for what they've done for their industry.
they're making money and deservedly so but let's be very honest, it's utter bullshit that they didn't get executive level positions, they've built that company on their backs. The hyungs especially should have gotten very comfortable exec positions and all 7 should have gotten a larger percentage of shares than they did.
30kg?! How tf is she alive?? Jesus wept.
the voiceeee
They shouldnt even go to the grammys and instead take their time to recover and test for their concerts! Grammys are a total shit show anyway, not worth the trouble of exhausting themselves at all.
Love a bit of old school snoop! Missy elliot next please because i need hobi and Jimmy breaking it down to the queen.
that could literally be a hit in the west right now! They need to release it.
it's incredibly uncomfortable and weird how young women in their late teens and 20s have to look,sound and act like very helpless, very sexualised, infantilised girls otherwise they get a mass of hatred sent their way.
social media really is the decay of all society honestly. People really think its bad to look like a normal person! That account is just pressed that despite her not having a flat washboard stomach (NO WOMAN DOES), she's still beautiful af and is just projecting jealousy and self hatred onto Jennie.
On a wider note, Kpop really needs to stop pushing absolutely unrealistic visual perfection as the main marketing tool for their idols because you get a majority of listeners who do not have the common sense to realise that idols will have a normal body, tanned skin, cellulite, maybe a wrinkle or two. It's ridiculous.
my god the dude with the beard is loud
7m pre-orders leggooo