I agree chart obsession is probably one of the worst things about kpop fans and this stereotype fits many fans. The moment someone starts introducing charts in a convo, I just pretend that person doesn't exist
Posts by mynameiswho
yeesss self confidence is key
what are the stereotypes?
If you're a female kpop fan, you're a teenager with low self esteem issues and can't get a bf.
If you're a male kpop fan, you're a creepy man that can't get a gf.
Stereotypes for everyone:
-too sensitive, can't talk jokes or any form of criticism
-only likes kpop because idols are attractive
There's lots of stereotypes out there but these are the ones I hear on a regular basis.
There are many stereotypes that people have of kpop fans so do you think you fit any of them or any of them apply to you?
For me, I think the stereotype that kpop fans take kpop too seriously probably applies to me because if any of y'all insult my faves then...
I feel like I know the people you're talking about
Many users did face reveals already.
We have a "Post your selfie" thread somewhere in the forum.
And a few users, myself included, have used our own photo as a DP for a short period of time as well.
Oh I didn't know that, I've been on AKP as a guest for a couple of months but only made an account today so maybe that's why I haven't seen it.