Posts by blankkkk
I hope its true honestly
main vocalist/lead dancer+main rapper/lead vocalist unit would be super strong
I highly doubt they’ll collab with the same artist twice within a short frame honestly but its nice to see shes still close to Jennie
obviously not and if that did happen I would pray for Jennies safety honestly
nah the reason she hasn't gone to thailand is because you have to quarantine for a few weeks there and when she gets back so about a month quarantine in total... (she's super busy so doesn't have time for that)
Lisa stans conveniently forget this and constantly act like she's being prevented from travelling when that's not the case.
Doesn’t Lisa literally have a collab with dj snake coming out soon on top of her solo and other things? How is she mistreated…
Jisoo is also filming a drama rn so has no time to fly to LA for a week+ so it makes sense that chaennie were the ones to represent the group but of course the usuals have to go victimising themselves…
Like who really believes they’re working on a subunit like come on now…
Typical response for someone who got clocked "iT's NoT tHaT dEeP" Likewise this people don't know you exist as well. You need to cut off your made up conspiracy theories, accept the facts and receipts presented on this thread. i really couldn’t care less about being clocked on a kpop forum like😭😭😭😭 who are yall to me?
And yes im self aware they know I don’t exist hence why I don’t take things against artists personally like others in this thread…
Please go outside
this actually seems plausible lmao
i even highly doubt what they are "recording" will come out anytime soon
what the fuck are you even talking '-'
are you using your brain to think about what you write ?
givenchy approached SM to meet the girls before their debut because they were interested to make a brand deal
Sm introduce them the final lineup of the GG , and when Givenchy meet the girls they saw that they fit their brand
and givenchy representative already said that they talked to the girls and talk to SM about aespa concept and universe before they debut to see if they were a good fit for the brand '-'
it's not hard to understand or you're purposely acting like you can't understand just to continue to whine about how aespa is the embassador of givenchy '-'
also please it's not because BP have different brand deal who might be fit their style more that a brand can't represent a whole group
especially with aespa considering that the girls themselves said that their style is pretty similar to each other that's why they often use the clothes of each other
and it's not like aespa was the only Kpop group to represent a brand , BTS as a whole also represent louis vuitton and i don't see you crying about why an entire group is representing a brand '-'
idk why you're throwing personal insults over something thats really not that deep
please detatch because these people don't know you exist for you to be sounding so offended and angry for no reason chile...
maybe because before they even got introduce , they have been years of SM talking about debuting a new groups
and maybe when givenchy heard about this
they contacted SM to meet them for meeting the girls and maybe propose them a deal '-'
think a little, even if the girls weren't introduce yet, everybody was aware for years that sm was preparing a gg
I feel like none of you all know how ambassadorships work especially with luxury brands…
Brands who are actively looking for groups to promote their brand pick them based on if they fit the image of the brand first not whether a big company is about to debut a group first or not. Hence why its rare whole groups get signed for ambassadorships because each member has their own personal style eg look at BP being ambassadors of different brands, you can tell its natural because they all suit each repretive brand and the companies saw that when they signed them. This is very telling because if givenchy were the ones who approached them first they would have at least waited to see it they fit the image of their brand but they didn’t and signed them first without even knowing who’s in the group? Makes no sense.
Her stans have been calling her jobless since January.
She is being paid for those cfs and mag covers. That is not being jobless.
You can say she is not doing anything music related, variety etc, but to use that particular word is just, excuse me to say, its just plain stupid.
The word jobless means to be unemployed. As far as am concerned all 4 of them are employees of YGE.
So once again, using that word to refer to any of the girls is just plain stupid.
she may not be jobless in the actual sense of the word but in terms of idol jobs she has NOTHING going on especially compared to the rest of the members
She practically is jobless as cfs shot 4 months ago don’t do anything to elevate her profile as an artist compared to the effects of mentoring/dramas/variety shows.
chaennie subunit would be the biggest collapse ever omg...