Posts by lonelycrowd

    SM always makes their artist apologize because it's much easier to empathize with someone vulnerable.

    If they're guilty, fans will find ways to keep defending. They can glorify the honesty and bravery of their idol

    If they're not guilty, there will of course be campaign and trending hashtag to defend their idols

    Lawsuit and other ways is too costly and complicated'

    This is very clever of SM

    I always thought he's a dumb fuckboy, this proves that he's more dumb that I thought (and thats hard to believe) and he's an asshole too

    I doubt he'd gonna lose his career, idols with worst scandals still has fangirls left and is not like he had some big public recognition but boy he has the worst timing, China is up in the ass after the whole Kris scandal, this is gonna affect him more than would normally do

    I once thought he's pretty shallow but after hearing his obsession on Chinese breathing philosophy and WINformation, I thought he can be profound. I still think he has dated ideas about women, that's why I believe some parts, though not all of the rumour are true, like treating fans as his harem.

    I think regardless of the truth, I think fans should shut up first if a rumor about their idol comes up.


    Refrain from showing support because idol is in the upperhand, especially from Big 3, they have solicitor, can easily access theraphy.

    If you still like him, I don't think you should worry because entertainment business is very volatile and rapidly changing. Taylor Swift was getting tons of hate years back, but now she has proven her worth everybody worship her. If they have the intention to stay relevant, they can always do it.


    OP, despite being a sasaeng hater in this case have much less power than Lucas. Getting tons of hate maybe too much for them, just ignore. This is why if it's true, sexual harrasment victims are afraid to speak up. Remember, idol is in the upperhand (though not always), they can file a company/private lawsuit if desired (though if company mistreated them, they can file a personal lawsuit).

    If it was false and fans wants to make hashtag to show support, I think hashtag should be more neutral like #___IsInnocent because #WeLoveYou___ kind of implicitly show that we support him despite his wrongdoings.

    I think it's pretty justified to still like the art of someone horrible AS LONG AS you don't publicly show your support for the person and stop your support for them to continue doing their art for the time being.

    So I guess, good luck Lucas.

    I think in WayV the dynamic is pretty much like this.

    Hendery and Lucas are close. Lucas had gone to Hendery's house and all that (here). Though he doesn't know his bestfriend's name well (LOL), he acknowledged their friendship in Dream Plan (here). In NCT 2020 Enquete, Hendery acknowledge this bond, mentioning Lucas as the member he has best chemistry with, travel with in 10 years, he want to see everyday, and the member he wish is his actual brother. Awwww, very sweet.

    Yangyang and Xiaojun seems to feel they match well. In NCT 2020 Enquete, Xiaojun mentioned Yangyang as the member he has best chemistry with. Yangyang mentioned Xiaojun as the person he wants to travel with in 10 years and the member with same preference. Also he acknowledged Xiaojun as his best friend in here.


    As for Kun, I think he's really like the father figure, he's close with everyone. Apparently Winwin relies on Kun a lot, frequently mentioning Kun as the one he calls when he has problem, praising him because of his reliability, etc. Chenle is very close with him and Kun seems to like and cherish him very much.

    Ten blends well with pretty much everyone, he can easily match WayV energy, though there's a lot of culture and language barrier. I think he's cool, he puts effort in trying to be closer with everyone in WayV, though not easy and maybe uncomfortable at first. He's pretty close with, yeah, basically everyone in NCT. However, I think we can agree that Ten is most comfortable and closest with Johnny and Mark. We all know he would mention Johnny or Mark at any chance given LOL. Seriously, Ten is admirable, he goes out his comfort zone and put efforts in everything.

    Honorable mention:

    Roomies Winwin-Lucas seems to have a really great dynamic.

    Kun-Winwin since they're pretty close in Rookies days.

    Ten-Yangyang matches well and they have a show together.

    Ten-Hendery, especially in early WayV days, since they're roomates.

    Of course this doesn't really matter, we all know they're family. However so, it's interesting to dig deeper into their dynamics. What do you think about their dynamic?




    Honorable mention





    I mean...he could've said that the song is not specifically about someone...

    VIXX is known for their dirty songs and public are OK with it because it's not about specific someone

    He could've blabbered about making witty reference or something though it's not the best excuse

    Saying that he doesn't know Red Velvet only makes it seems like he really meant to objectify them and panicked

    I loveeeee this answer, thank youuu, so detailed with supporting facts!1!1 now I can see the bigger picture, what will SM do with them....

    I can't put my finger on what will SM do with WayV? Lucas is already well known in China ever since Keep Running but I don't know about the rest. Their popularity in Korea is obviously outshined by the other unit. They go back and forth doing variety in Korean and in Mandarin language. They also promote in Korean music show with Korean lyrics. Make them and English mini album. What do SM want? Make them popular in Korea? In China? In USA? It's not really clear...they can just promote and gain popularity in one country to be more effective. Like the boygroup MYNAME, they focused in Japan and got pretty decent reputation. Practicing and rerecording in Korean must be energy draining...SM please be focused on your plan...

    I rewatched WayV DreamPlan over the last two weeks and it breaks my heart. The missions are too harsh. I know a lot of you must have already know about Hendery and his ranidaphobia. But there's more for me.

    1. In ep 1, they make Lucas-Winwin harvest 100 haw tree, Xiaojun-YangYang-Hendery plant in a large large area, Ten-Kun fertilize plants in a really big greenhouse. I mean I don't know if they end up doing it partially or what. But aren't all that too much in the first place? To make it even worse, there's only very short amount of footage of them doing that. Making them do all that and not at least make a fun and effective editing is pretty outrageous. They make those missions to make content right? But the content is not really satisfactory.

    2. I don't need to explain Hendery's mission

    3. Making Winwin bungee jump by himself? I mean I know it's all in good fun, but making a mission out of someone's literal phobia is pretty messed up.

    4. The glass bridge seems like it's going to be pretty traumatizing for Winwin but he seems okay, it's pretty much normal fear, but still, cosidering he has acrophobia...they should think of another mission in the first place. And the lack of safety despite having to jump to take a microphone on a rubber thing?

    5. Hiking for almost 3 hours and pretty much get very little screentime, could've been better with scripted thing if they don't talk over the 3 hours course and editing.

    However, the boys are so professional and Kun even hike despite being injured to avoid being the part pooper.

    I really appreciate all the crews for this, they must be tired as much as our boys or even more tired. However to make it more efficient for all, they boys and the crews, they could design better overall concept or missions for them. Many of the missions seems extremely exhausting but pointless and contentless anyway.

    To me, Hendery and Winwin have mysterious character. I can never know what might be on their mind. Aside from being unpredictable crackhead, Hendery is pretty cryptic(?) I don't know if he feels uncomfortable or not. Same with Winwin and his mysterious awkward smile. So it's kinda uncomfortable for me to watch these two boys while doing hectic missions. They deserved better, they're really precious.

    And of course there's Ten with his blank face all the time from not understanding Mandarin fully LOL

    I almost cried when I know Koeun trained since 2011, after like 9 years of training (I don't know if it's full time or part time like Johnny did, but still) and waiting, she never got to debut. Sadly, I don't think she'll further pursue her dream to debut. I'd literally contemplate my life and the 9 years I've spent if I were her. I don't know how she responded to the situation, but I really have an enormous respect for her. If she isn't desperate, discouraged, or insecure even after this, I'd respect her even more, like a inormous limitless respect. I bet the training process was harsh and all that...

    Fighting haeyadweeee -Lucas-