Display Morethe TRASH is produced by savvy, manipulative engineers on very expensive and high tech machines.
if you just had to listen to the TRASH lyrics without all the infectious ear candy, nobody would pay attention.
a really good beat or bass line, or just a catchy lyric hook can stimulate the more primitive parts of most people.
i like bits and pieces of lots of songs produced by TRASH that i despise, not because of them, but DESPITE them.
look closely at the artist credits to your favorite TRASH songs. the Trashy lyricist/vocalist most likely did NOT produce the catchy beats that make up most of the tracks in the song. they hired studio musicians to PROGRAM machines made in ASIA to do that work.
so what you really are in love with is the synthesizers and drum machines that are making the noise you crave.
not the asshole rapping verbal diarrhea
you wrote this whole think piece when i didnt ask you the question...i like the song and i was asking the other person why they enjoyed it even tho they think its trash-