yes don't
Yeah, we shouldn't have fun on an internet forum-- god forbid.
yes don't
Yeah, we shouldn't have fun on an internet forum-- god forbid.
Good to know you are extremely harsh, many people accidentally miss steps in shows and stages. She has not ever done so before so I am sure she can have one small micro sized mistake in a performance. Gosh, why are people as toxic like this. She literally just came back after almost two years of not performing and having health concerns and your first thought is to nitpick something that was not even noticeable when watching the performance because she cleaned it up quickly and showed she is a good performer in doing so. We are trying to promote positivity and you have spent your entire time on this fourm being hostile and very nasty to everyone. I do not know what you have going on but please do not take out your frustrations through hostility on others.
You can promote positivity by not being disingenuous. Otherwise this "positivity" is for nowt, does more harm than good.
She looks off. She lost a step... a couple of steps. I don't care about your excuses, I'm judging with my eyes.
Elaborate where?
You know what you did. First, you libel me and said I lied. And then you contradicted yourself by saying that I shouldn't complain because I didn't buy the album and then proceeded to say that others had a right to complain even though they didn't buy the album.
Your sense of logic has been warped because of your animus towards me and, in a large part, because you have been conditioned by stan culture.
You just contradicted yourself.
OP is lying lol it's actually $35 (~$50 with shipping fee) still expensive but not much different from those Western album's price.
It was not a lie-- it was a speculation, a highly probable speculation at this point. Learn the distinction before you start libeling people-- some people will not take kindly to that in the future and will bring you into litigation.
At the rate things are going, the price of $75 will not be far-fetched in a year's time.
Are you jealous that we can afford the 75 USD albums, unlike your fandom?
^ This is what Big Hit and, to a lesser degree, BTS has wrought.
Obviously I'm talking to a lot of young people who haven't learned the value of money yet.
This is Economics 101: Whenever there's no competition: all bets are off, they can do whatever they please without any repercussions. They can sell the same or inferior product at an over-inflated price, and they invariably will.
So you are mad at Armys for enabling BH?
I would not say I'm mad, no; tremendously disappointed by your sympathy with Big Hit. Yes, you guys' attitude and behavior in this thread show that you are indeed enabling these practices by Big Hit and even to the point of promoting these practices. Again, I don't really fault you because you have been conditioned by Big Hit to be taken advantage of.
You are trying to deflect the argument. Stick to the argument. I am not playing games.
IKR. Those irresponsible 7 dudes should've helped me pay my uni tuition. Immoral folks.
You are making some kind of straw-man, deflecting argument here that I can and will not follow.
in horror movies this is the clue to start running
Yeah, you start running towards the light. I'm here to help you.
But BH is not buying competition? Its not like I look at the 75 USD BTS album and 5 USD Other Group album and decide to buy Other Group album? I will still buy the BTS album. It doesnt matter if some other lower quality products are available.
Are you jealous that we can afford the 75 USD albums, unlike your fandom?
I can't make excuse for your behavior, other than that you've been conditioned by Big Hit/ BTS to feel that kind of way towards yourself and others.
Hello, randomly angry, insulting person getting too worked up abt album costs and business moves (that you don't appear to understand) of groups you don't even stan! Your mean rage sound familiar.
But seriously - you're crap at faking like you really care and your moral outrage is real, are too uptight? Successful trolling has a rhythm, a flow, and you're no fun.
Take a deep breath, unclench, work on a tone that makes you sound like you actually do have concern about what things cost and the fate of poor, delusional fans. When ppl push back don't go straight to insults and snarling, fake like you're being reasonable for a little bit longer. Let the conversation build up, frustrate ppl and give other haters who want to agree with you things to work with and boost. It's easy, you can do it!
Listen, I'm here to help. Yes, I am not a crazed BTS fan; but I do like their music. But these moves by BTS's parent company are a cause for concern for both consumers and sellers alike with regards to this industry. Trust me, I have no animosity towards BTS, but what is right is right. And they have to stand up to this, if only to treat their fans better than this.
Not this dude again Someone give this dude an IP ban.....go back to making ur fanfics skinnyjungkook, and leave these people alone. They can spend their money on whatever they'd like, since they're the ones who own that money. What's with all these people telling other people what to do with their money?
And these conspiracies aren't helping.
See: Original Post