Posts by monalisalove
Yeeees, thank you!!!
There was never an alliance
Me and my one side feelings again
Bye loser
I even participated in your best visual thread. Alliance ended kkkk
Just go to the other thread.
I stan hippos
Blocked and get ou of my thread
Show me the army threads which downgraded Bp's achievement??
Showing numbers to prove facts is not degrading. Stopping false information to spread is not shading.
ShOw Me. Girl, I'm not trying to prove my point to anyone, I'm just saying what I see but if you don't believe ok. Not my task to change your opinion
I don't think this thread here is gonna be dramatic like the other... just see the replies here kkkk
Im sexy
Ofc yes, you stan THE FROGS!!
I cause this in people.... Kkkk
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We won't even bathe just stream!!!! Kkkk
let's make akorns...
Make it a hit thread please. I want reactions and war!!
But serious... If you guys don't like BTS and BP being put together in the same sentence ask BTS to retire bc ??? I know they are at their own level, surpassed kpop and they are surpassing ww making aliens stan them too, but they are still kpop. BP are making waves ww (not the same level), but they are and it's just common people are gonna talk about the two.. Nothing wrong neither mediaplay.
Fr some blinks are idiots who love to shade the boys, but this isn't the girls fault.
Let's use our brains (yes) and think like this:
K-pop is being super talked about since 2017 and guess what? BTS are the revolutionary group, but they are not the only group who media likes... There is BP who is not on the same level, but are surpassing even pop groups from USA and UK which is really surprising so people will talk about the two, you liking it or not. Not gonna extend more, I think you guys can understand where I'm coming from.
About blinks here using the boys to lie about BP achievements... Clowns, no brain people, trolls nothing new.
About armys using every opportunity to downplay the girls and their hardwork and achievements.... Clowns, no brain people, trolls nothing new....
About blinks/army's who use BTS and BP in the same sentence being respectful and just being normal ... Keep going sweet, you are doing it right!
PS: I changed my title as it wasn't making sense with my text kkkk
PS: you guys can stay off topic, my thread it's not that serious. Let's be happy clowns!! No warming mods, please!
well at least they admitted they were off topic.
Although the K-lounge isnt the correct section, so i could warn for that, but I'll hold off in case they werent aware of that. But K-lounge is for topics relating to kpop or korean entertainmentI didn't know.
It's so sad... I know I was off topic, but I thought it was a really funny conversation... Such a pity... Anyways guys, stan THE FROGS!
Yes Lisa, dance my faves songs too kkk