Posts by sshuqi
HYBE hit the jackpot with her.
Let's goooooo overworked queens
The song is okay. The coloring of the music video is atrocious.
I'm confused... they're flopping? I don't follow charts and sales or anything but everywhere I go people are talking about them.
Poor guy. I hope he presses charges and takes the fucker to court.
Don't let homophobes go unpunished.
STAYC because their music quality has been on the decline and to be fair, their variety performances aren't that entertaining.
but how many released in 2022 ?
I'mma say bolp because it's not a bad song but like,,, the bsides are so much better than this forgettable title.
If my rym is to be believed, more than 100. GG's entire discography + solos & TTS, After School's discography + Orange Caramel, Kara's discography, Girl's Day discography, Secret's, Rocket Punch's, Jessi's, BVNDIT's and a bunch of 2022 releases.
Quite a lot of 2nd gen this year.
Please add me to the taglist as well
NB here but I have periods. They used to be really easy and pain free but the more I age the worse they've become. I have days in which I can't leave the bed due to cramps.
Also posting in this thread hoping that my period comes cause it's been late for ten days. Pray for me girlies -
Because they are cowards. Lesserafim would have killed with an experimental song. Instead we got the wap move...
For example, they can decide to not get pregnant. Pregnancy isn't a virus you catch from the air. Ever since puberty we are being taught to have protective sex yet some think getting drunk is excuse to everything. People, both women and men who accidentally become parents are huge red flags I'd stay away from, it is a sign of a total irresponsibility for their own and the other person's lives. They are the same as drinkdrivers for me.
What if a woman uses birth control and it fails her? No birth control method is 100% effective, and by using it, it is a clear indication that said woman does not want a child.
Isn't the US supposed to represent democracy and human rights? Wasn't that their whole selling point? Girl what is happening
I just hope it's not Seraphs or something like that.