song is ok but I dislike the chorus
song is ok but I dislike the chorus
a nice song
my favorite BOL4 song is 'Workaholic'
Display Morelowk wheres all the fun statistics this year
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mine isnt called top 100 for some reason???
idk what to even call my music taste
I took the songs from the Wrapped and put it in my own created playlist, if Spotify ever decides to delete their created Wrapped playlists
judge my taste in music
This is very little listening, for music lovers like you.
I mostly played video games in october
wtf was that, it's so bad
the song didn't go anywhere, it was so boring
It's not the best song but still a bop for me but the use of AI was terrible. Some shots looked way too messy because of that
blop, it's ok but boring
is it just me or is the mixing kinda weird?