One of my fav gifs
J-Cuddle Trinity
One of my fav gifs
J-Cuddle Trinity
The practice
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hihi love the lazy members in the backround :P
lets act like no one saw that:
Are we participating in Guild Wars?
seems like thats the only way to get the sub section
Thanks for all the posts guys, finishing off my last bit of uni work due tomorrow then I’m committing 100% to the guild
I saw the messages with regards to us getting our own sub forum so I reckon we stay as active as possible and make a lot of posts everyday to see if we can qualify, really hope more Once join
yeah its realy not a good time to be lazy, the chance to get our own subsection will not present itself again probably
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that was so cool
Display MoreTheres no criteria?
Not gonna lie that's gonna be a recipe for resentment.
Guilds that don't get chosen will be primed to complain about favoritism.
Hope Once get big quick so we can avoid the grind.
Who picks? And when? Can we request it?
Sleep and me requested it already, check ask a mod thread xD
Theres not really any criteria i guess which seems to be the most active ?? Likely the michelin guild the stray kids one likely will get the third. And 4th and 5th im not sure about.
Again I want to point at your badge, I'm sure you want to honor it
cereal first ofc
mega cute!
I love that pic/gif so much
:D:D:D thanks!
Display MoreYup yup! Thanks for adding me btw
Hot binches
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Hi Wench! While we cannot be the same Peaches anymore for the time being, we can be real Peach Sisters now!
Momo + Chae are so cute together, sometimes I feel like I can stop crying for Dahmo when I see them
you need to fill all the fields
The price for guild sub-forum is 100k akorns and it's funny cuz both BTS guild and BP guild are managed by staff members (BTS- Admin, BP- Awards team). :)
oh............ I thought its 10k.. so 1000 USD actually
if there was just a mod with a Twice Badge... @Versatile
Display MoreLet me do the thing too. :P
Your Twice Bias: Dahyun 'Dubu' Kim
Favourite Twice Song: Be As One
Favourite Twice Album: Eyes Wide Open
Favourite Twice Performance:
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Funniest Twice meme:
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wooooooooooow expensive
funny that we both chose very calm performances, contrary to what twice is actually known for