Most I-FANS can. TRUST me. we're a very lovely bunch.
which is why this forum is so shocking, and which.. is the reason why i question the validity of this site and these so called 'fans"
Most I-FANS can. TRUST me. we're a very lovely bunch.
which is why this forum is so shocking, and which.. is the reason why i question the validity of this site and these so called 'fans"
Display MoreYes, I definitely agree on this.
I think another contributing factor is the very skewed access to information about anything Korean that isn’t communicated through kpop channels. And I-fans for obv reasons can’t understand serious Korean news outlets or debate forums on social matters.
If you compare to e.g. USA, that dominate entertainment and news (ofc) in a language most understand, people then have access to many different point of views and can grasp the complexity of the country. But since ifans can’t do the same for Korea they rely on sources that make money of clicks and tabloid formatted “news”.
This is why it’s so funny/weird when they think “Korea” is in outrage of the smallest dumb stuff their faves does when in reality pretty much NO ONE gives a flying fck, not to say probably aren’t even aware.
i'm an I-fan and i dont have those impressions.
i dont think you can lump us all as one group either since MANY different countries and cultures make up I-fans as well.
Did I say I hate Korea? Or do you just have a juvenile, overly defensive mindset that rushes to absolutes because you can't handle nuance?
I'm thinking it's the latter.
You're either an ultra-nationalist Korean unwilling to admit your country isn't a perfect little utopia, or you're the amongst the cringiest of K0reab00s.
don't you see? looney toons??
you and i are the same!!!
Did I say I hate Korea? Or do you just have a juvenile, overly defensive mindset that rushes to absolutes because you can't handle nuance?
I'm thinking it's the latter.
You're either an ultra-nationalist Korean unwilling to admit your country isn't a perfect little utopia, or you're the amongst the cringiest of K0reab00s.
oh the irony is thick here..
in case you missed it - you accuse me of having a juvenile mindset that rushes to absolutes....then you immediately rushed to absolutes.
you HAVE to be one of the more fun commentors here.
Many K-pop fans only stan their favorites, so they see absolutely every other Korean entity as competition or an obstacle. It's their faves vs. everybody.
oh that's true. - and i'll add that to one of the options
but some of the comments go way beyond that - like when they start bringing up cultural and political stuff to attack or defend their favs.
i dont remember when it was this toxic - i remember in the 2nd gen it was mostly about agency vs agency - could it be the addition of more foreign idols are having a detrimental effect rather than an inclusive effect?
It's a great way to reconnect with my home culture. Really perfect actually for those of us expats who grew up divided between our American and Korean selves, the mix of Korean and American in Kpop seems to be targeted directly towards us (which is why im not surprised to see so many Asian Americans making up the audience in Kpop concerts here).
it seems weak cus you're weak, looney toons.
and why are you here if you HATE korea that much?
you're truly dumb.
yo~ she was so hot in dat
3d - Jk only version.
so i choose NEITHER
you're free to think that.
i can be very "manly" online and i do like hybe and korea.. so you maybe onto something here.
Korea is everything but a normal society. If anything is one of the sickest ones in almost every aspect.
oh.. the disconnect.
Korea is the country where women can't use the toilet without the danger of being filmed and they had even formed a special police unit to check public bathrooms. They had molkas and the nth room. So pornography being illegal did nothing for the oversexuslization of everyday women there.
also, dont ever for a second think not being " over sexual" is a knock on korean society - if anything , it's a compliment - studies have shown that there are less violent, sexual or any crimes in general in a "normal' society - which is bascially what korea is.
there's A LOT of debate back and forth but .. from a sociological, psychological, and many other branch of science's point of view, you dont want to have an "over sexual" society - it opens a sleuth of societal problems you don't even want to think about. - higher crimes, more corruption, being afraid to walk at night- and a host of societal mental issues you dont ever want to encounter.
Korea is the country where women can't use the toilet without the danger of being filmed and they had even formed a special police unit to check public bathrooms. They had molkas and the nth room. So pornography being illegal did nothing for the oversexuslization of everyday women there.
not too sure if they're related at all.. if anything you seem to be supporting my comments:
if taking pictures of women's private parts in bathrooms are considered "oversexualized" , wouldnt that clearly point to how sexually conservative that society is?
i dont like to throw out the word "repressed" because korea is clearly not repressed in sexuality (- i am familiar with the club scenes and, while ILLEGAL, prostitution does exist, etc), but it's not an "OVERLY" sexual society where teenagers and these desperate men don't have to resort to the bathroom to look at female genitalia - because its' readily available on their computers and other outlets due to their ubiquity in society - such as adult book stores, etc.
You, either succinctly pointed out the disconnect of someone from a sexually conservative society to a liberal one or you dont seem to undertand that hormones exist in everyone .. or you dont understand what im saying at all..